4-Minute Mental Workout: A Simple System to Prime Your Mindset


Athletes warm up their bodies before competition… shouldn’t you warm up your mind before you begin your day? We’ve been taught the importance of exercising at the gym, but what about innercising at the mind gym?

Instead of waking up and scrolling through social media first thing in the morning, I’ve developed a system that will give you much more ROI than comparing yourself to others on Instagram or reading/watching negative news stories. Several years ago I adopted this system after researching strategies to help lower my stress. These benefits have changed my life and these four steps that I’m going to teach you are all backed by science.


People talk all the time about the importance of being mentally tough, but most people don’t know what to do to improve in this critical area. Follow these proven steps to build up your mental fitness.

Step 1: Breathe

How do we become more calm and present in the moment?… By practicing it. Start each day by practicing taking several slow deep breaths. Focus on your inhale and exhale while observing your thoughts then come back to your breathe when you notice your mind wondering. This exercise is like doing bicep curls for your brain. A bonus activity during this step is to do a quick scan and unlock any tension or tightness in your body.

Research shows that there are a variety of benefits to deep breathing:

  1. Lowers stress

  2. Improves mood

  3. Improves focus and attention

  4. Increases energy

  5. Reduces tension

  6. Improves memory

  7. Trains your mind to be present

Challenge: Stop what you are doing and take one slow deep breath right now.

Click here for more scientific benefits of deep breathing.

Step 2: Focus on Gratitude

I Have statements/thoughts focus on optimism and gratitude. Dr. Emmons from the University of California at Davis has researched that a daily gratitude practice significantly reduces the stress hormone cortisol. Optimism has been proven to increase grit, creativity, health, and performance.

Challenge: Reflect and/or write down five things that make you happy, things that you sometimes take for granted, something you’ve accomplished recently that you are proud of, or something that you are looking forward to (in moments of fear or stress, go back to this list to change your perspective).

Now reflect on this question: What is one adversity or hardship that you can reframe and shift your perspective to see it as a blessing, not a curse? How can you use this obstacle to help you learn and grow?

Step 3: Give Yourself Affirmations

I Am statements help influence your subconscious with confidence and clarity. Assessing a robust 44,000 patients, professor Andrew Lane and BBC Lab from the UK, found that self-talk was the most powerful tool to improve confidence. Daily affirmations are a confidence tool used by greats like Michael Phelps, Serena Williams, and Jim Carrey. 

Challenge: Write down five positive things about yourself right now.

Watch this 2 minute video from Coach Collin and learn more about the power of self-talk 

Step 4: Identify Your One Intention

An I Will statement will give you a purpose and clear goal for the day. This is what Florida State University psychologist Dr. Anders Eriksson calls deliberate practice and has been proven to enhance learning, focus, and growth far greater than individuals who do not set an objective for a specific task.

Challenge: Reflect and/or write down one thing you want to accomplish today, this month, and this year. Setting daily intentions is a phenomenal tool stay focus, progress in a positive way, and create motivation.


A powerful tool to enhance this experience is capture these thoughts in a journal. Once you’ve documented and completed these three areas of focus, (I Have, I Am, I Will… I also call this the H.A.W. Method) close your eyes, see, and feel these emotions. This mental activity is a form of mindfulness called visualization. This type of imagery helps create positive thoughts and emotions that lead to more happiness, clarity, and health. 

Priming Plan: When and where will you do this daily exercise? 

Research shows that selecting a time a place is a critical piece in developing a new habit. Whether you journal and meditate or simply think about gratitude (I Have), affirmations (I Am), and set one clear intention (I Will) for the day, having a consistent routine to take slow deliberate breaths and prime your mindset are powerful tools to set you up for success. 


In summary, get your mindset reps in using the 4-Minute Mental Workout. Journal and/or focus on these steps (the H.A.W. Method):

  1. Breathe (take slow deep breaths for one minute)

  2. I Have (focus on gratitude and what you are thankful for – for one minute)

  3. I Am (give yourself some affirmations – positive self-talk for one minute)

  4. I Will (set one intention or daily goal and visualize yourself executing that activity as well as your big dreams for the future for one minute)

Listen to a guided audio version of the 4-Minute Mental Workout from Collin’s Master Your Mindset Podcast below:

Apple Podcast link

Spotify link

This activity will elevate your self-image, improve clarity, and create neural pathways for your brain and body to attract greatness. Because in this noisy digital age… Managing your mind is the new currency of success.


WANT MORE MINDSET TRAINING FOR YOUR TEAM? Contact Coach Collin here. He has trained the top organizations in the world like Nike, Lululemon, Zillow, and Alaska Airlines.

WANT TO READ COACH COLLIN’S BOOKS? Click here to access his five different books and two journals on mindset, culture, and peak performance.