


Where does creativity come from? What do you do when you need answers to tough questions or are tasked to create?

I’ve taken notice where most of my inspiration and ideas come from. What’s interesting is that they come from the same handful of common places that you and I operate in everyday.

If you are an artist, stay at home mom, student, or climbing the corporate ladder – we all sometimes find ourselves looking for outlets to get our creative juices flowing. Whether you are facing a creative roadblock or have a tough decision to make, let me offer you a few strategies that will create clarity and calm. I hope these techniques and tips will help channel your subconscious and open up an army of ideas, and an arsenal of answers to the challenges that lie in front of you.

The key is to put yourself in positions to unlock your subconscious to be able to receive information. The best way to do this is to change your “state” by altering your physiology or biochemistry by some type of stimulus. 

Your brain is so powerful.  Are you using it to it’s full potential?

Your brain is so powerful.  Are you using it to it’s full potential?

Through my experiences of taking note where my creativity comes from, I have discovered that there are 6 main Mediums where I find myself channeling creative thoughts and ideas unified synergistically by what I call a State Shifter.

Ever see the film Limitlesswith Bradley Cooper? They say the human brain only utilizes 10% of it’s capacity. Utilizing one of the 6 mediums combined with a state shifter attempts to tap into the other 90%. 

Use these 6 simple strategies and tap into your entire brain power, like Bradley Cooper’s character in Limitless.

Use these 6 simple strategies and tap into your entire brain power, like Bradley Cooper’s character in Limitless.

Below are 6 simple ways to find inspiration and creativity:

1. Taking a nap

Medium: A quiet comfortable place to rest

State Shifter: Sleep

Ever see the movie Inception with Leonardo DiCaprio? I love the concept of “a dream within a dream.” DiCaprio and his partner in crime, played by Gordon Joseph-Levett, where tasked to extract or implant a thought or idea into a victim’s mind while they were sleeping. Why can’t we do the same to our own subconscious? 

The reason why I prefer naps to extract creativity is because naps support being in a Free State. You take naps when your body feels like it. You go to sleep at night because you have to. 

Try this, when you feel like you need an answer or creative inspiration, listen to your body when it feels tired. Don’t fight this urge, but go with it. Even if it’s just for 10 minutes. Find a comfy place and shut your eyes. Here’s the Inception twist – at the beginning of your decent, ask your inner Leo for inspiration in the area you are stuck. Let your subconscious go to work. What you’ll find is that the idea doesn’t come from the dream, put from what I call the “nap residue”…the peaceful time in-between when you are not asleep and not fully awake. This is where Inception Creation takes place. 

You will be in a complete relaxed state and your conscious and subconscious mind will begin to make-out like Leo and Kate on the Titanic. When you fully wake up, you’ll have your new idea, and will jump up, with your arms stretched out screaming, “I’m the king of the world!” Don’t just take my word for it. Ask multi-millionaire creatives Christopher Nolan and James Cameron. They’ll tell ya. 

The concept for my first book (coming soon), came from this place. I had just woken up after snuggling and taking an afternoon nap with my daughter Bellamy. During the nap residue, the vision flashed at me like a neon sign in Times Square. 

Give this technique a try…just make sure you are like Leo in Inception, and have a metal top handy when you wake up. 

2. Going for a drive

Medium: Car

State Shifter: Sound

One of my favorite of all movies without question is Rocky IV. Sly Stallone was in his prime. The Cold War was at its climax, and what 5 year old didn’t want a talking robot? I know I did. 

When the 7 foot Russian, Ivan Drago, defeated and killed Rocky’s best friend Apollo, Rocky needed to clear his head. What did the World Champion and Italian Stallion do when he was faced with an insurmountable challenge? He jumped in his sports car and went on a drive bumping the classic, “There’s no easy way out,” by Robert Topper. Fitting title wouldn’t you say? 

Rocky getting his mind right in his 1985 Lamborghini Jalpa

Rocky getting his mind right in his 1985 Lamborghini Jalpa

Through this process, Rocky was able to reflect, clear his mind, and walk away with a plan and a purpose. There’s something just therapeutic about going on a drive, the freeness of being on the open road, and feeling the emotion of your favorite song. 

Music is a universal language that stirs memory, emotion, and inspiration. Steve Jobs has been quoted by saying that his biggest inspiration and influence was not some tech nerd, but Bob Dylan. 

Another “sound” strategy I use while driving is listening to thought leaders through audiobooks, podcasts, or YouTube videos. I have my go-to’s that I seek for wisdom and inspiration. This is similar to what Superman would do when he was perplexed. He would go to his home ice-layer, insert a few crystals, and gain wisdom from his hologram father. 

Often times just one word or one phrase from a thought leader that I admire will spark an idea that leads to a solution or endless creativity. 

Just like how your car can transport you from place to place, this process will transform your mind to a new destination. Give this medium a try. You might discover Rocky-like underdog ideas and super human strategies inside of you.

3. Working out at the gym

Medium: Fitness center

State Shifter: Movement

I love to workout. The gym is my happy place. I’ve committed to myself and my health by making fitness a frequent weekly ritual. There are so many physical benefits that working out creates. My gym time helps me increase my energy, improve strength, and reduce the risk of injuries. 

The physical effects of exercising are clear, but what about the mental effects? For me, working out reduces stress, clears my head, and allows me alone time to think. There is a powerful force that happens when we move our bodies. Moving your body is one of the most effective way to change your state. 

Movement creates momentum. With momentum you discover motivation. When you are motivated you are able to tap into your memory on a deeper level. Ideas will surface. Inspiration will arise. Clarity will come through. 

Physical Fitness fosters Mental Fitness #gainz

Physical Fitness fosters Mental Fitness #gainz

Every time I leave the gym I have a new idea for a blog post, an added detail for my book, or inspiration for a social media quote. These fresh ideas wouldn’t be possible without being in an environment like the gym, where I’m free from my phone and other distractions. The added inspiration comes from changing my state through lifting weights – similar to lifting stress away – the tension and release of the weight is like lifting tension and weight away that is blocking my creativity. 

And here’s the thing, the more you practice, and the more repetitions you do, the stronger you will be. Not only in your muscles, but your ability to tap into fresh ideas and inspiration.

4. Shower Power

Medium: The Shower

State Shifter: Water

I love to take showers. There’s just something so soothing and relaxing about turning up the water really hot, generating steam, and just checking out for a period of time. With a wife and three children, those moments are fleeting, but cherished. Longer showers to myself is the real reason why I cover a large sales territory – to have frequent overnights to myself in a hotel (just kidding Kendra, being away from you and the kids is torture!). 

But seriously though, don’t mess with my shower time. My showers can never be too hot or too long. 

Growing up in a family of four, with just one sibling, I can’t remember many times fighting over the hot water. With this good fortune, I developed the habit of using this daily ritual as a form of meditation. No cell phones, no TV, no computers, no distractions. Just me, the water, and my thoughts. 

There’s something metaphorical about taking a shower. You are stripping down, getting clean, and using the water to wash away the old, and begin to feel anew. Cleanliness, feeling refreshed, and recharging aren’t the only benefits showering provides. For me, the shower also serve as a canvas. I often use the hot steam to fog up the shower glass. This precious creative place is where I make lists, draw diagrams, charts, and develop new acronyms. My shower glass is like a whiteboard. While in there I’m like Russell Crowe’s character in A Beautiful Mind. I’m unlocking puzzles and solving problems. 

Sometimes Kendra will shower after me at some point in the day and find what looks like hieroglyphics, Chinese characters, or some alien language that I’ve created during these thought-provoking shower sessions. She will often ask, “What did you come up with this time?”

There have been countless instances where I entered the shower with an issue or uncertainty, and after feeling the warmth of the hot water, listening to the soothing sound of faucet flow, and feeling the hot misty steam – my brain begins to unthaw. 

Just me, my breath, my thoughts, and nothing more. The shower is where I think, I ponder, I process, and I rest. 

Don’t underestimate the power of taking a shower. Endless answers and countless creation is at your disposal. Just remember to squeegee when you’re done. 

5. Going on a walk

Medium: Walking outside

State Shifter: Nature

Creative people have an eye for the creativity all around us, and the best in their field immerse themselves in these natural creative settings. I call this state shifter “nature.” What I really mean by nature is the world all around us – the trees, flowers, hills, landscape, water, sunsets, the city, buildings, architecture, etc.

What is more beautiful and inspiring than God-made AND man-made creation?

What better place to foster creativity than the beautiful world we live in? If you are spending most of your time in a sedentary, stagnant, and sitting position in a cubicle staring at a computer, you’ll be hard pressed to come up with fresh and new ideas. 

Get your butt out of your seat. Create some movement by going on a 10-20 minute walk outside. Get the blood flowing and take in the beauty all around you. Moving your body is one of the best ways to change your state and channel creative energy – even if it is as simple as going on a walk. 

Debbie Millman is a designer, author, educator, and brand strategist. She’s worked with many major companies and projects ranging from Burger King to Star Wars merchandising. She is labeled as one of the most influential designers today. According to Millman, one of her tried and true methods to get out of a creative rut is to go outside and go on a walk. This activity helps clear her head and flush out creative blocks. 

Millman is a creative force like no other.  Please check out her interview on the Tim Ferriss Podcast Here….simply amazing.

Millman is a creative force like no other.  Please check out her interview on the Tim Ferriss Podcast Here….simply amazing.

Living in Manhattan, Millman taps into an endless supply of natural creative inspiration just by going outside. From people, to sounds, to architecture, to colorful billboards and advertisements everywhere – this concrete jungle serves as a breeding ground for inspiration. 

I don’t live in the city, like Millman, but I do live near many trees, trails, and parks. God’s eye for creation is unmatched. Just breathing in the fresh air and taking in the scene all around helps me feel more creative and inspired. I often go on walks either early in the morning or later at night when the kids are in bed. This time alone also allows me to reflect on what’s going on in my world – presently and in my past. This technique might channel the most powerful source of inspiration of all: life. 

One of the kings of creation, Walt Disney, used his life as a spring board for inspiration and ideas for stories. Reflecting on his hard working blue collar childhood, Disney was inspired to write the classic film Cinderella. One time, he was pulled over by a police officer due to a trivial traffic violation. Instead of getting mad, he used that as inspiration for a Micky Mouse episode. 

Inspiration is around us everywhere. Tap into the beauty of nature and the scenes all around you. Get out of your “box.” Go outside. Move your body and go on a walk. Use nature to help you reflect on your life – which might be the greatest source of creation possible. 

6. Go write, get right

Medium: Quiet time alone

State Shifter: Writing

Many of my blog posts and content for my new book WERE NOT conceived until I started to write. There is a magical creative force that happens when you allow your mind to explore, document, and reflect on feelings through writing. 

Voltaire once said, “Writing is the painting of the voice. ” 

C.S. Lewis noted, “You can make anything by writing.”

E.L. Doctorow offered,  “Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go.”

My most creative place to write is not in front of a computer or laptop, but in the notes section in my phone. I also love to use Google Docs as a way to jot down thoughts and ideas throughout the day. One of the main themes of my new book coming soon is a unique daily journaling system – which I use everyday to prime my mind, body, and spirit. 

Journaling has been clinically proven to lower stress, depression, and anxiety. Keeping a journal has been shown to help gain control of one’s emotions and improve mental health. 

Give it a try. The most important words in the English language are write it down. Unlock your inner wisdom. Create a new masterpiece. Find a solution. Get your mind right, go to a quiet place and write. 

Is this my future TedTalk?

Is this my future TedTalk?

God needed 6 days to create the world. Try these 6 mediums and state shifters to generate inspiration, ideas, and creation of your own. 

Medium // State Shifter

1. Taking a nap // Sleep 

2. Going for a drive // Sound

3. Working out at the gym // Movement

4. Taking a long hot shower // Water

5. Going on a walk // Nature

6. Quiet time alone // Writing

Who knows, you just might make a masterpiece. 

Collin Henderson is the creator and founder of Project Rise.  Project Rise is a platform to uplift and inspire people to be the best version of themselves.

Collin Henderson is the creator and founder of Project Rise.  Project Rise is a platform to uplift and inspire people to be the best version of themselves.



Saying, “I love you” to another dude is for the soft and weak. 

This lie about love is one of the many Masks of Masculinity…and I used to agree. 

Being a coach’s son and the youngest of two boys, I grew up thinking that being a man (especially an athlete) was all about being tough. Real men don’t cry, we don’t show weakness, and the strongest are like Superman – made of steel and feel no pain. 

I used to never say the words “I love you” to anyone…especially not a teammate.  Even though my freshman roommate Matt Kegel (Havre, Montana’s finest) told me “I love you” most nights before we went to bed in our tiny little dorm room, I often times left him hanging.  My insecurities, immaturity, and lack of hearing that from another guy kind of rattled me.  Thus, I wouldn’t reciprocate.

Matt and I were different, but similar in a lot of ways.  He loved football, he loved life, and he loved people.  You can learn a lot from a free spirited Montana cowboy.

“That’s weird,” I remember thinking.

I was like many young misguided male athletes, caught up in holding up a macho image.  By not saying, “I love you” back, I was keeping in tact the mirage of my manhood.  Sometimes, I’d steal a line from the movie Ghost though and say, “Ditto.”  That was the best I could do.

I remember playing the University of Hawaii on the road my freshman year at WSU. It was our final game of a rough season and I was one of only 3 true freshman to start that season. One of the 3 was Seahawk legend and Pro Bowler, Marcus Trufaunt. Marcus had just made an interception to close out a tight game in front of a hostile crowd. 

At the Horseshoe vs. Ohio State

At the Horseshoe vs. Ohio State

I remember being so pumped in the heat of battle that I hugged him and said, “I love you bro!” 

I totally acted out of character, but was caught up in the moment…I was playing with turf toe and bruised ribs that day. We had only 2 wins prior to that game and needed a momentum boost for the off-season.

It felt a little awkward saying it and even more awkward when he didn’t say it back. “I’m never doing that again,” I thought.

Saying “I love you,” is for girls and gays, not real men…that’s the old mask of masculinity in me talking.  This misogynistic and homophobic thought process is still unfortunately all too common in male team sports. 

It’s taken many years of study, self reflection, and learning from successful mentors to learn that love is everything – no matter one’s gender or orientation. 

Love gives purpose. Love feels pain. Love won’t stop. Love transcends. 

I often see young people (especially guys) who haven’t established their core values yet make immature remarks about love. Either they misuse it to gain an advance with women, or never use it at all – especially with men, friends, or teammates. Often times it’s not their fault. They’ve been modeled this behavior by prominent male figures in their life and even society (look who is leading our country). 

Masculinity is often times masked by ego, self interest, insecurity, and the narcissistic adage that image is everything. 

Gotta look cool. Gotta be hard. Gotta fit in. Gotta look tough. 

Many “tough guys” think showing vulnerability is showing weakness – especially in front of other males. Who can blame them? They’ve seen “real leaders” yell, demean, and put others down. These leaders don’t say “I love you,” they’re too busy being tough and focusing on kicking ass.

I argue the opposite. Being vulnerable is a sign of strength. You can have goals and grace. You can show love and hold people accountable. 

Coach Carroll showed you can “love” and hold players accountable.  Pete stuck with Hauschka through the season, but didn’t renew his contract for 2017.

Coach Carroll showed you can “love” and hold players accountable.  Pete stuck with Hauschka through the season, but didn’t renew his contract for 2017.

Aside from ego-centric leadership, we are living in an epidemic of misplaced masculinity. Bullying seems to be at an all time high. Selfishness is everywhere. Entitlement is through the roof. Teams, schools, and organizations all have these types of people. I call them energy takers  taking positive energy away from others. The many social media platforms are a feeding ground for energy takers. 

There are many trolls out there that get some sort of enjoyment out of sucking energy from other people by posting disrespectful comments. These put-downs in my opinion often times come from a place of insecurity. Below is a comment from an energy taker – someone who takes away energy because they lack in something (self-esteem, confidence, happiness, or misguided leadership). This comment was in part directed at me.

Energy Taking at it’s finest.

Energy Taking at it’s finest.

Instead of being an energy taker, be an energy maker – someone who uplifts, supports, helps, and cares for others. The world could use more energy makers and less energy takers.

Energy takers come in all ages, shapes, and sizes. These individuals have no regard for others. Often times they don’t even realize how their selfish actions affect the larger group. They might claim to be all about “team,” but their ignorant comments, posts, and even body language show otherwise. They blame, complain, and shame. These actions might actually be a cry for help. 

Can you think of any energy takers in your family, team, school, or work?


I’ve had the pleasure of working with a local top ranked high school baseball team on mindset training, synergy, and culture this year. As they recently began the post season, I made a poster that I hoped would inspire unselfishness, sacrifice, and most importantly, love. This poster was the source of the energy taker’s comment I mentioned above.

I gave three examples to the team to anchor the message about the power of love

One of the stories I shared was how a woman in her 50’s had the strength to lift a car 4 inches off the ground to save her son who was stuck under a car. 

The point: The LOVE of another can give you super-human STRENGTH. 


The second example I shared was a video of Clemson’s head football coach Dabo Swinney’s post game interview after they upset Alabama in the final seconds of the National Championship game. 

A reporter asked, “How did you guys come-back and win?” 

He said, “We won because of love. Love has been my word all year. I told them, I don’t know how we are gonna do it, but if we love each other, we’ll win.” 

The point: LOVE for your team, coaches, and program gives you FAITH. 

2016 National Champion, Dabo Swinney, believes in the power of love.

2016 National Champion, Dabo Swinney, believes in the power of love.

The last example I shared was about Michael Jordan’s love of the game of basketball. As a rookie, he made sure his agent and the Chicago Bulls inserted a “For the Love of the Game Clause” in his contract. This clause meant he could play basketball in the off-season wherever and with whoever he wanted. Many teams put off-season regulations on their superstars, but Jordan wouldn’t have it.

One of the reasons why Michael Jordan is the greatest of all time, is because of his deep passion for the game of basketball. Similar to other greats like Tom Brady and Derek Jeter, they don’t play for money or for the accolades, but because of the love affair with their sport. 

The point: Talent alone won’t get you there, LOVE and PASSION are the pathway to greatness. 

The GOAT: Greatest of All Time

The GOAT: Greatest of All Time

Trust me, I am all about winning. I’m all about getting after it and competing your ass off. I’m all about being a bulldog and hitting ’em in the mouth…all under the rules of play. However, I’m just trying to shift the common masculine paradigm on how you get there.

It really boils down to this point:

Relationships create Championships. 

Relationships with others (especially teammates) are the most impactful part of being an athlete – not just winning. Ask many athletes who are done playing and they’ll tell you, the biggest thing they miss about being a student-athlete or professional is the relationships and the time spent in the locker room and being with their teammates – not the actual game.

In the end, we CAN’T control the number of banners, titles, and championships we get. However, we CAN control the depth and meaning of our relationships – in athletics, work, school, and life. A loving relationship is the ultimate championship. 

If you love your teammates, your team, and the process more than the ring, I believe you’ll increase your likelihood of getting the ring… especially if everyone on your squad is on the same page.

Call me soft or Charmin, but that is the legacy I’m leaving…as a husband, father, leader, and coach….a legacy of love. A love for myself, others, and to pursuing one’s passion. 

When Troy Aikman won his first Super Bowl, he found himself in his hotel room crying his eyes out. He asked himself “Is this it?”  He got the “ship,” but he wasn’t satisfied…it wasn’t enough. People change your life, more then events do.

What is achievement if you have no one to share it with or if that is the only thing you play for? Also, if you judge your value as a person on wins and losses alone (as an athlete, salesman, coach, teacher, or whatever profession you were in), you are setting up yourself for constantly feeling unfulfilled – a trap I used to put myself in often. 

We can’t control specific outcomes. However, we can control our commitments

This was an exercise I did with the team I was working with. I first had them write down their goal for the postseason. Almost everyone wrote down they wanted to win a state title. I had them tear up their original goal. Some were a little confused, but I explained, “Every team in this playoff has that same goal – to win a championship.” 

I told them that we can’t control what happens at the end of this tournament. However, what we can control is our commitment to ourself and our team.

I gave them a new sheet of paper and had them write down their one commitment for the postseason. I had a few of the players share their commitment…it was very inspiring. Their focus shifted from all outcomes, to be more effort and attitude based goals. The entire team then wrote their one commitment on the team banner that read FAMILY: Forget About Me I Love You. 

Commitments are more powerful than goals.

Commitments are more powerful than goals.

This exercise I felt would help narrow their focus, lower their anxieties, and channel their concentration on what really matters. I challenged them to make this their only goal for the postseason: Focus on family, love, and their commitment.

I’m totally aware that this approach isn’t for everyone. It’s not the only way to win. But in my years of high-level competition in athletics and in the corporate world, LOVE is my vision and what I value most. LOVE is how I lead. 

My challenge to you is this: reevaluate your understanding of the word love. Reassess your commitments to yourself, others, and in pursuing your passion. 

Try to live life by this creed: Let love rule. 

Jesus taught us, “These three will last forever – faith hope and love – but the greatest of all is love (1 Cor 13:13).”

The Beetles sang, “All you need is loveLove is all you need.”

Dabo Swinney’s 2016 word of the year that guided Clemson to the National Championship was: Love.  

If it worked for Jesus, the Beatles, and Dabo, Love just might work for you and your team. 

When you unveil the mask of masculinity, and remove its insecure intentions, what you’ll find is every living creature – even men too – need love. And the best way I’ve learned over the years to receive love…is to give it.  Even if you don’t get the instant gratification of hearing, “I love you,” back.

For the record Matt…I LOVE YOU.


Collin Henderson is the creator and founder of Project Rise. Project Rise is a platform to uplift, inspire, and give individuals and teams the tools to be the best version of themselves. As a former Division-I two sport athlete and over ten years of experience as an award winning representative and trainer in medical sales, with two Fortune 500 companies, Collin offers strategies for peak performance in business, athletics, and academia. He is passionate about teaching the power of a healthy mindset, servant leadership, and the life changing affects of gratitude.


Chris Johnston is the Senior VP at Community One Financial in Puyallup, WA.  He also is the creator and owner of Sparks Firehouse Deli, which is a hub for families and people in the greater Puyallup community.  Sparks Firehouse Deli is known for its fantastic food, awesome ambiance, and excellence service.  Chris is also part owner at Joeseppi’s Italian Restaurant in Tacoma as well as several other business ventures.

Because of Chris’ outstanding achievements, service and commitment to his community, he was honored with the 2016 University of Washington Milgard School of Business Small Business Leader Award.  From organizing parades honoring local athletic teams, to fundraising a new weight room for Puyallup High School, to coaching youth football, and running several successful businesses…Chris has a formula for winning and making a huge impact on others.  See the video honoring him below.


Chris has acquired wealth in many areas of his life – not just business.  He has what I call the Trifecta:

  1. He’s a loving husband and father
  2. He is a thriving business owner and entrepreneur.
  3. He is continually serving his community as a volunteer, coach, and philanthropist.

Chris, like many self-made successful individuals, came from a single parent home, with no money, and limited experience.  Faced with other adversities and set backs, he built a flourishing and fulfilling life through grit, effort, and a “refuse to lose” mantra.  Listen in…I know you’ll love and learn something from this game changer – I know I have and continue to do so.

What a stud!

What a stud!

My key takeway: GET OFF YOUR ASS!  Success doesn’t come to the lazy.  Take action!  What do you need to do right now to take the necessary steps to take your job, career, or dream to the next level?  You’ll only get there through consistent hard work, commitment, and drive. You got this!  Go for it, like Chris does.  Take that first step today and keep at it.

Listen to the podcast here.

If you like this episode, share it with a friend.  Below are links to a few of his businesses.  Go support Chris!

Community One Financial

Sparks Firehouse Deli

Joeseppi’s Italian Restaurant

This blog post and podcast was powered by KICKSTART KINGS, who help you and your business go further faster through better BRANDING, VISUAL CREATIVE, and WEB & SOCIAL STRATEGY.  Check them out here…they have  helped Project Rise take off!  Let them do the same for you!



One of my main goals is to be the best husband and father possible.

One of my main goals is to be the best husband and father possible.

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night, and had an image or idea flash inside your head like a neon light? Sometimes I do. I’ll get an idea, and my brain just won’t shut off. Inspired by Easter, this blog post is a creation of that occurrence. 

Despite your spirituality, faith, or even religion, there’s no denying one fact – a little over 2,000 years ago, a man named Jesus walked the earth. The record of Jesus of Nazareth has been documented by historians, scholars, and theologians alike. 

Regardless if you believe you are here because of an explosion in space, karma, God, Allah, Xenu (WTF? YouTube “Xenu South Park“…it’s amazing). Or maybe you believe in a different dogma all together. Either way, there’s one thing I BELIEVE we all can agree on – This man they called Jesus was one hell of a goal setter. 

That was my 2 AM epiphany. Jesus may have been the greatest goal setter of all time.

I mean, he set the bar HIGH! I’m talking Elon Musk SpaceX type ish. Being miraculously born from a virgin would probably increase anyone’s swag factor. However, believing to be the son of man, performing miracles, sharing the new gospel, dying for the sins of the world, then coming back to life, and ascending into heaven…Jesus’s goals made Elon Musk’s goals look itty-bitty teeny-tiny. 

The original JB (Jesus born in Bethlehem…not Bieber) dreamed BIG. I’m talking supersized, XXXL, jumbo, gigantic, ridiculously crazy off the wall big!

If Jesus had one thing (besides a dope beard and legit pair of sandals) it was vision. In order to have a clear vision, you must have what I call MVPs: mission, values, purpose, and slogan. Every successful organization has these clearly defined. Why don’t you?

Jesus’s MVPs would look something like this:

Mission – Save the world from sin. 

Values – Love all people. 

Purpose – Share the good news

Slogan – I am the truth, the way, the light. 

Jesus without question could define his MVPs. You could tell by how he acted, spoke, prayed, and what he said “yes” or “no” to. His MVPs drove his behavior to reach his vision. 

Have you taken the time to define your MVPs?

One of the pillars that Project Rise is built on is living a life driven by vision. When you have vision in your life, you have a clear set of goals. Goals create clarity, and clarity is power. Whoever has the most clarity always wins…whether it’s a debate, competition, or getting the sale…clarity just flat out gets things done.

How’s your clarity? 

Did Jesus have clarity on what his purpose and vision was? You bet your Peeps eatin’, mimosa sippin’, Easter pastel outfit wearing ass he did. 

No goal, no purpose. 

No goal, no direction. 

No goal, no life. 

No goal, no soul. 

I have the amazing privilege to have opportunities to speak to many audiences – especially to schools and young people about the power of goal setting. JohnNorlin is the Service GuyHouston Kraft is the Love Guy. Collin Henderson is the Goals Guy. We all have a brand. If you don’t think you have a brand, it’s time to establish one (just don’t be That Guy…no one likes That Guy). 

But wait a sec, who am I kidding? I’m not on the same level right now as John or Houston…but the key word is yet. I’m not on their level YET (come on, where are my Growth Mindset people at?). The fact that I’m not there at this moment in time doesn’t bother me. Not one bit. Because I’m already there in my mind. It’s all ready done. It just hasn’t happened YET. I have a vision and a goal to RISE, just like Jesus. 

I believe with every ounce of my being that having clear goals can transform your life – the way they have mine. 

Goals have taken me from a stutterer to a speaker. 

A perfectionist to an activist. 

A worrier to a warrior…a warrior who feels the fear, but goes to battle anyway. 

Goals will get you out of bed; help you overcome hardships; generate momentum; inspire others; and push you to become your best self. 

My man Zig Ziglar once said, “Don’t be a wondering generality. Be a meaningful specific.” A life without a goal is not a life at all. 

Casey is a testimate of going all in on a dream.

Casey is a testimate of going all in on a dream.

Who modeled the power of goal setting better than the Jewish carpenter? No one. 

Below are 10 lessons in goal setting I’ve learned from the real Jahovah-Jireh, Jesus of Nazareth. Sorry Hova and Yeezus, there can only be One (I can’t wait for the Yeezy Fall Collection though). 

The 10 Commandments of Goal Setting – Modeled by Jesus. 

1. Your goals should scare you

I don’t think you need to take it as far as Jesus did….on the night before his crucifixion, where it says in the Bible that he was in such a state of distress that he was sweating blood (but when did Jesus go small?). If your goals don’t scare you at least a little…you need bigger goals. No guts, no glory. 

2. You’re gonna have haters

For some reason, many people don’t know what to do with different. If you feel your talents and aspirations are unique, pay these haters no mind. Just do you, just like Jesus did.

The Pharisees and the ancient high priests were the OG’s of haters. They were so jealous of what Jesus was doing, all the attention he was getting, the wisdom he had, and the blasphemy that he believed to be the son of God?! Jealously has been with man since the beginning…remember Cain and Abel? 

Listen, it’s sad but, many people aren’t comfortable with extraordinary. Many prefer the status quo…even some people who love you. If you are raising your standards and living with a vision that others can’t see, you’ll get criticized. Criticized because of jealousy, lack of faith, and quite honestly, fear they might lose you to bigger and better things. Sound selfish? Yes, but it’s true. 

I like to think that having haters is good. It means you’re doing something.

Sometimes your dreams might scare others. They’ll say, “You can’t do that,” or “You’ll fail.” Let them be scared and continue to live a life of lazy mediocrity, while you work your ass off, and not listen to the haters, but hold on to your dream and your process. If you stay true to you, your vision, and your goals…you’ll be well on your way to RISE above the fray.  

3. It’s going to be hard

Jesus had an unmatched work ethic. From walking from town to town spreading the gospel, to performing miracles daily, to addressing large crowds hours on end…your boy got after it! 

The amazing fact about having a clear goal that inspires you, moves you, and stirs your emotions – it will give you ENERGY! Even though it’s really hard work, you’ll be able to push through and not even notice the hours you put in. You’ll pay no mind to setbacks. You’ll be able to persevere through the pain. 

There’s no doubt that Jesus suffered to fulfill his destiny. Because he suffered an unimaginable death, his reward was to sit at the right hand of the throne next to his father in heaven. This is the most extreme example imaginable, but it reminds me this simple fact: the higher the level of achievement – the higher the level of hard work and sacrifices required. 

But the payoff will always be worth it. 

Does your goal drive you to work your ass off? If your answer is no, it might be time to reassess your vision and goals. 

4. Break some rules

One of Arnold Swartzenegger’s rules to success is this: Sometimes you’ve gotta break the rules. 

Jesus understood this principle. He followed his heart, vision, and values, and not to the old crusty Pharisee law. He knew what was right – he was fulfilling his mission.  He was staying true to his MVPs, which sometimes meant breaking the rules. Whether it was healing the sick on the sabbath or rewriting a new covenant – a salvation that is based on faith and not just deeds alone – Jesus stuck to his guns. 

We can learn from Jesus’s conviction. 

If old philosophies and out dated guidelines block your path – it’s time to blaze a new trail. The worst 6 words that stand in the way of innovation are, “That’s how we’ve always done it.” Learn from Jesus. Some rules are meant to be broken. 

5. You’ll need a crew

Life was made to be lived together. With that said, our alignment defines our assignment. We are a byproduct of the people we hang with the most. Jesus knew he couldn’t do it alone (hence his 12 disciples) – nor can you. Be open to delegate and seek out help. Just be selective on who you choose. Here’s one tip: If you’re the smartest person in the room, find a new room. 

There’s a cool phenomenon called the Koehler Effect, which as been scientifically proven to show that when people work in groups they perform at a higher level. Whether it’s a greater sense of accountability, or more energy, it’s just proven – teamwork makes the dream work. 

Who’s in your squad? 

Join a small group. Get a buddy to go with you to the gym. Align with a partner to start a new business. Nothing great was ever done alone. Develop a team, and watch your production RISE.

Squad goals achieved: the Hopper’s, Isaacson’s, and Martin’s. Love this crew so much!

Squad goals achieved: the Hopper’s, Isaacson’s, and Martin’s. Love this crew so much!

6. Be well read 

Jesus knew his Bible. He did his homework and could recite all the scriptures. While traveling with his family as a twelve year old,  he was mistakenly left behind because he was studying in his God’s house – the church. 

Are you well read in your field of choice? Have you studied those who have came before you? 

The one thing that changed my life when I was going through struggles was investing in my personal development. I’ve made it a habit to read and listen to books incessantly. I hope you do the same. Eric Thomas, the Hip Hop Preacher often advises, “You are what you know.”

What are you reading, watching, and listening to? 

If your answers are: Facebook, Netflix, and Pandora…it’s time to find new material. 

7. Humble yourself

Jesus didn’t roll into town in a Bentley spinning on 22’s. He was riding a donkey. Humble yourself to focus on what’s important – substance, not flash. Do the grunt work. Start from the bottom. Push your ego aside. If a carpenter can be the savior of man, then you can ascend to unreal heights too. The only way you’ll stay there though, is with humility. Don’t judge your success on things, but in the people you impact and your personal growth. If those elements are your focus, the frankincense and myrrh will come. 


Jesus never looked to take credit for any of his miracles.  Often times after helping someone, he would tell them to “tell no one.”  How many times have you looked for praise for the simplest of accomplishments?  I am so guilty of that…seeking for praise, instead of seeking to raise someone up.

He who humbles himself, will be exalted. Today might be a good day to start to eat some humble pie. You’ll reach your goals faster if you do.

8. Be a servant 

Gandhi peacefully fasted. MLK marched. Mother Teresa fed the poor. Jesus washed feet. It didn’t matter if you were a tax collector, prostitute, Roman guard, or stricken with leprosy, Jesus loved and served all people. 

Achieving is serving. The more you serve, the farther you will go. To me, that’s the definition of greatness. Dave Ramsey once  said, “The only effective form of leadership is servant leadership.” 

While you are striving to achieve your goal, just remember this: The more people you serve, the more abundance and success you’ll create. 

Who served others more than Jesus?

9. It’s never too late

Jesus didn’t perform one miracle, make any ripple in history, or begin his ministry until he was in his early 30’s. 

It’s never too late to get on the goal train and achieve greatness. Look at John Wooden and Warren Buffet. Goals don’t have an age requirement…just a passion qualifier. It doesn’t matter if you’re 9 or 90 for the conductor to click your ticket. Just like Jesus, the goal train accepts all passengers. No matter your age, failures, disappointments, background, or history – everyone is welcome – similar to God’s kingdom.

What debilitating story have you been telling yourself? What excuses have you been making that have created a failure to launch? 

It’s time to start a new thought pattern, and a new plan to finally go after your dream. It’s never too late.


Jesus was willing to die for what he believed in…are you? Are you willing to lay it on the line and sacrifice everything you have because your faith and belief is so intense that nothing will stop you? Belief was one of Jesus’s strongest super powers. By faith, not in acts alone will you RISE. 

A goal without belief is like a car without gas. It won’t go anywhere. Choose faith. Believe in the unseen. Trust your process. Do whatever it takes to get there. If you do, you will be handsomely rewarded…just like the Jewish carpenter from Nazareth. 

Sometimes you gotta just GO FOR IT!

Sometimes you gotta just GO FOR IT!

He has RISEN

I hope this post gives you an epiphany like I had the other night – an epiphany of clarity and inspiration. In order to RISE and be your best self, it starts with a goal. I hope your goal is so crazy and exciting that it keeps you up at night.  If you have a passionate goal, there’s no doubt you will. 

The central theme of Easter is rebirth and resurrection. If you are not where you want to be, that is OK. Get rid of your old ways. Cease your limiting thoughts. Create a goal and begin a rebirth of the new you.

Here’s a simple exercise to get you started. Pull out a sheet of paper and pen (or use the Notes app in your phone) and create your MVPs. This exercise will give you the framework for your vision – to help you achieve your goals. 

Mission – What do you want to accomplish?

Values – What are the standards and guiding principles that will drive your behavior?

Purpose – What is the reason and “why” behind your goal?

Slogan – Create a slogan or mantra that sums up in a few words what you’re all about and sparks action. Tell this slogan to the world! Put it on your Instagram and Facebook page.

Let Jesus be the model of how to live and love. If you do, who knows, with GRACE, GRIT, and most importantly a GOAL, you can create your best self…and a version of heaven on earth. 

If you like this post or you know somebody that could use this framework, The 10 Commandments of Goal Setting – Modeled by Jesus, please share it!




Sometimes when I write, it’s a byproduct of being inspired, wanting to get clarity on a topic, or exploring my own theory in a specific area. With that said, I’m about to embark on a voyage that deals with an enigma similar to the Bermuda Triangle, the Egyptian Pyramids, Stonehenge, and figuring out what the hell happened to Richard Simmons.

This topic has been a mystery that man has tried to understand since the beginning of time: 

What Do Women Want?


No man is as fortunate as Mel Gibson’s character in the 2000 film What Women Want– by being able to hear the inner most thoughts of women…and dogs, “Monsieur, Monsieur, I need to poop!” Without this mind reading ability, men are tasked to know their woman’s needs and deliver on their desires. 

The only advice my dad gave me on the topic of women was, “Find a girl who can afford you. It’s a lot easier to fall in love on the beaches of Hawaii.” He obviously was joking…or was he? Then in his Ph.D. wisdom, J. Hen would follow that with his real offering, “Find a girl who is smart.” 

My response to him now is, “Ok dad, I’ve done that; so now what?” The most attractive quality that drew me to Kendra was her brain (oh and she’s 5’9, gorgeous, has a funny wit, is an amazing cook, and loves football…winning!)

She is definitely out of my league. (shout out to B. Hop!)

She is definitely out of my league. (shout out to B. Hop!)

Aside from finding my soul mate, I’ve been blessed with amazing mentors in my life who have modeled the proper way to treat women and how to have a flourishing marriage. Young people do what you do, not what you say. I’m thinking about my son Baylor, and my goal is to model to him that the only way to have an effective relationship is to serve your partner. 

Let me premise that I am not perfect in this area, but like most males, I’m a work in progress. I’ve been labeled by a few people as selfish, “the King,” and being all about me. My job requires me to travel quite a bit; I’m very active juggling multiple passions outside of work (can you say Rise?); I don’t have many man skills (thank God for our neighbor Jeff); so sue me, I married Wonder Woman. Kendra seems to have super powers in many areas – her weapon of choice is either the power drill or her trusty breast pump – depends on the day. 

This is how I see my bride.

This is how I see my bride.

What’s awesome is that people are entitled to their opinion. They don’t have to agree 100% on my (or your) relationship dynamics. The most important factor is that you and your partner communicate frequently and have established clear expectations – and you both deliver on those. I feel that this is were Kendra and I have excelled – communicating on what our needs are and doing our best to make those happen. 

Things are not always going to work out perfectly or as planned. Being able to say “I’m sorry,” owning your mistakes, and sincerely make the necessary adjustments to correct the behavior or issue is what effective teamwork is all about.  I think I’m winning on the “sorry” scoreboard.  Wow, grace is powerful in a team setting. 

As with any team in sports, business, or life, it’s all about playing to your strengths. I feel we do a great job at this. For example, when we got married, Kendra assembled our new barbecue, while I wrote our thank you letters for all of our wedding gifts. 6+3=9. So does 7+2, 5+4, and so on. There’s not one way to have an effective marriage. Know and playoff each other’s strengths. Your production and happiness will be elevated.  

A few years ago, we read the book The Five Love Languages (which I totally recommend) and we do our best to make sure those needs are met consistently. My top two are: 1) physical touch, and 2) acts of service. While Kendra’s are 1) quality time, and 2) Starbucks or Chipotle (really, the author added those in the latest addition). 

Aside from mastering each other’s love languages, another tool to use is the framework I call A.L.A.asklisten, and act on what what makes your significant other happy. Why does it need to be more complicated then that? 

Step 1: Communicate and ASK what makes her happy and how you can help. The first response might not tell the whole story. Be ready to dig deep and peel back the onion (women have layers…just like ogres, ogres have layers too…pardon my Shrek reference). The more details and specifics you can obtain the better.

Step 2: This might be a new concept for some of you guys out there (after 6 years of marriage I’m still working on it), but truly LISTEN to what she is saying. Seek to understand. Don’t just nod your head and envision what meat you’re going to BBQ next. Make a mental note, store it, then proceed to Step 3. 

Step 3: Based on her needs, take ACTION. This could be the most important step. Why? Because taking action takes effort. But not just mindless effort (how many times have you half-assed made the bed or picked up after yourself). Intentional action that follows a strategy is where magic happens. Effectiveness is all about execution. If you execute on her needs, I can give you 50 reasons how this will benefit her and YOU (trust me, there will be no shades of gray). 

Do this ALA process:

0 times per year = F results. 

1 time per year =  D results. 

1 time per quarter =  C results. 

1 time per month = B results

1 time per week = A results

1 time per day = A+++ results 

The reason why a high number of relationships get stale and fail is because there is no energy and effort. Imagine if you put the same type of energy, passion, and attention to each other as you did in the beginning of the relationship! Love doesn’t sit on its ass and binge on Netflix all day (unless it’s New Girl – watched together of course). Love is a Verb…just ask John Mayer. Love Does…just ask Bob Goff. 

Average in = average out. Awesome in = awesome out. What’s more important then you and your partner’s relationship? Besides putting The Man Upstairs at the center of our life and marriage, Kendra and my relationship is THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN MY LIFE! 

We feel the best gift we can give to our children is putting our marriage first, and them second. Many couples married with children have it backwards…and their marriage takes a back seat. Hmm, I wonder why divorce rates are so high for new empty nesters?


Below are what I call Kendra’s Keys. If I can deliver on these, I’m winning, she’s winning, our marriage, and family are winning. 

1. C.S.S. – Certainty, Security, and Safety

Similar to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, I’ve learned that everything starts here. 

Certainty: Being the man of the house, I feel a sense of responsibility to operate and function in a consistent manner, provide stability, and create vision for our family. 

Security: It’s my duty to provide for us through generating short and long term financial security. 

Safety: A must is to make Kendra feel that she and our children are safe. This dictates the car we drive, how we handle certain public situations, and the fact that I make sure the doors are locked each night before we go to bed (this took me a few years to embed in my psyche). 

2. Be Present

Being a Zombie is not a good look. Zombies don’t make good husbands or fathers. Amber Alert: PUT THE CELL PHONE AWAY. I try to institute the 6 to 9 rule – my phone stays in my room plugged in from 6 to 9pm when I get home from work. Don’t be a Cell Phone Zombie, put the cell phone away (this is one area I need A LOT of work on). While your phone is charging locked up in a safe, play the Rose/Thorn game. Each of you share something that you loved about the day (rose) and something that could have been better (thorn). This is an easy, simple, and effective way to communicate and have a little bonding time. 

3. Deliver On Her Love Languages 

We are very intentional to carve out time and connect during that sweet spot when the kids go down to bed and before we go to bed. This is always much valued QT. Also, I make it a point to bring her Starbucks, flowers, or her favorite…Chewy Sprees candy when I can. About 75% of the time when I come home from the gym, I come packing heat – a toasted Chonga bagel with an iced coffee.  This always is a crowd pleaser.  

4. Connect Emotionally and Physically

Most women are crock pots, not microwaves…this includes Kendra. If I want a connection downstairs, I better connect upstairs first (Hint: this doesn’t start at 9pm, but 9am). Compliments are free. Acts of service are free, but the payoffs are priceless. Also, every physical touch doesn’t need to lead to something else. Put some money in the bank, rub her feet and expect nothing to happen. You will earn some bonus points, which you can cash in later – Yahtzee!

5. Love Our Children

Serving our children is serving Kendra. Being the best daddy is deeply appreciated and sexy as hell…ask any woman. When I get home, I love to give Kendra a break from Earth, Wind, and Fire (Baylor, Bella, and Winnie) with some dada time. They love it. I love it. And after being a physical and emotional punching bag for the previous 10 hours, Kendra loves it the most. 

6. When I’m Fulfilled, She’s Fulfilled

I need to make sure that I’m doing the things that fill me up – exercising, doing my best at work, following my passions. Kendra is so amazing, that she understands the importance of allowing me to be who I am. When that process takes place I have more to give and everyone wins.

7. Date Consistently 

Make the words “Date Night” a staple in your relationship’s vocabulary. Don’t let your love fern die…water it, nurture it, and give it light…by regularly scheduling a night out on the town WITHOUT YOUR KIDS! Do I even need to justify why this is important? 

For some low cost date night ideas…click here

For some low cost date night ideas…click here

I am fully aware that this list is not the end all be all. If you have your own way of investing in your marriage that works, then great! The most important key to this whole What Women Want thing is to DECIDE and COMMIT 100% to your relationship. Love is a choice that needs ACTIONS to fan the flame…not with intentions or “should do’s.”  When I take care of Kendra’s needs…she more then takes care of me!  The Bible says you reap what you sow…this is so true in relationships. Take care of your woman where she needs it the most, and you will be the wealthiest man on the planet in the area that matters most – LOVE. 

Since there are 7 Keys to my list above, take the Kendra’s Keys Challenge. Discuss and implement one of the 7 keys each day of the week with your spouse…start today! 

For all my fellas out there, I hope Kendra’s Keys help you unlock your inner Prince Charming. Who knows, you just might awaken your Sleeping Beauty and discover not just what WOMEN want, but what YOUR WOMAN WANTS. 

And if you execute on this quest, you’ll create a happy ending in more ways then one.


Over the past month I’ve watched the Disney movie Moana at least 5 times. If you have younger children like we do, you most likely have seen it and can probably recite the songs in the film like a JT record.

All Baylor and Bella want to do is watch the “Big Guy”…Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson’s character, Maui…which he crushes btw…and the brave heroine, Moana.

She’s next level.

She’s next level.

Even our one year old Winnie is getting into the action. I got home the other day from a work trip, and all she could say to me was, “Muah, Muah.” I was like, “Kendra, what is she saying?” She replied, “Moana!”

Huh, should have known. Gotta love baby gibberish.

There’s a reason Disney owns everything from the Marvel Universe to ESPN. They are frickin’ smart and have mastered the art of storytelling. They have gotten so good over the years, and the plots have even struck cords with adults as much as kids.

Disney has a proven plot system. Here’s my breakdown:

1. Scene and characters are established (old normal)

2. A challenge arises

3. A nurturing character close to the protagonist dies or is faced with a dangerous threat

4. The naive hero (protagonist) goes on a journey

5. The protagonist is mentored

6. The protagonist fails and contemplates quitting

7. The protagonist faces his/her fear and transforms into a real hero

8. With a new found courage and skill, the protagonist saves the day.

9. A new normal and happy world is created

Disney’s Empire is endless.

Disney’s Empire is endless.

I’ve loved many Disney films, but this Moana story stirred my spirit and emotions more than any drama or action film of recent memory (nothing creates water works like Cuba Gooding, Jr’s movie Radio though). The symbolisms in Moana, her journey, failure, triumph, and message of redemption are timeless. There’s a plot twist in the end and a climactic scene that had me balling my eyes out…I mean grown man ugly cry. I had to hide my face so my kids didn’t think something was wrong with me.

There were many takeaways from this gem that made me laugh, think, and cry. Below are elements of the movie that paralleled with real life – and even had a biblical influence. Take a look at this list and reflect how it relates to your life.

Under qualified

The chosen one, Moana, lacked experience, was under qualified, was too young, and an unlikely choice to save her people.

How many characters in the Bible were an unlikely choice from God? Moses stuttered. David was an adulterer. Paul killed Christians.

You might think you are under qualified, but trust that no one is ever 100% ready and are completely qualified. Know that you are chosen. You are worthy. There is no such thing as perfect. It’s about the journey and growth along the way. Stop thinking that you don’t have what it takes. The people who shaped the world where flawed just like you and me. The only difference is they took action! It’s time for you to stop thinking you don’t have what it takes, because you do!  Take ACTION!


Despite going against her father’s will, Moana left her island and faced many dangerous situations to save her people.

David faced Goliath. Noah survived the storm. Daniel was saved from the lion’s den.

You will never reach your potential or achieve anything of significance unless you face your fear. Warriors feel the fear, but go to battle anyway. This is where growth happens. What fear have you been avoiding that you need to attack?


Moana knew very little about sailing or the world beyond her island. However, she had a connection with the ocean and the dream of exploring. This dream was encouraged and nurtured by her grandmother. While on her journey, Moana, who was a novice sailor, learned to be a master of the seas. She learned this skill from the other main character in the film, Maui. Because of Moana and Maui’s teamwork, they saved the day. This feet would not have been possible without each other. Maui learned a great deal from his mentee, Moana, as well (humility, courage, resourcefulness).

Mentorship has been a critical part of achieving greatest throughout history. Moses mentored Aaron. Eli mentored Samuel. Jesus mentored his disciples.

What is your dream? Who can you seek out to help you achieve it? You are not alone. We all can benefit from having at least one source that is full of encouragement and knowledge. Focus on learning from those people instead of the naysayers, critics, and doubters – which, if you are seeking to do something great – you will have plenty of those types of people.

Think of one person who believes in you. Channel their energy and encouragement. Also, who has what you want? Ask them to be your mentor. This relationship will be life changing.

You should always have a mentor and a mentee.

You should always have a mentor and a mentee.

“This does not define you” 

Moana and Maui had several major setbacks and failures throughout the process. Both even felt so defeated that they lost hope and even quit. Yet, something inside of their spirit lifted them out of a state of despair to keep fighting and fulfill their destiny.

God never makes it easy. Whether the Jews exodus from Egypt, to Abraham and Sarah waiting until late in life to have children, and even Jesus’s death and resurrection (there are many more examples)…the people who fall and get back up and face the fire are rewarded.

The most powerful scene in the film felt like a scene straight from the Bible. There is a clever twist at the end when Moana reaches the end of her journey to restore the heart of Te Fiti. While facing the lava monster (that’s what my kids call it), Moana realizes that the monster is not really evil.

The ocean parts, she calls to her, and sings a message that has so much biblical relevance that it had me balling. I saw God in the form of a 16 year old girl speaking to me, people who are lost, hurt, afraid, living in guilt and shame, and who have lost sight of their true self. This is what she sang:

I have crossed the horizon to find you

I know your name

They have stolen the heart from inside you

But this does not define you

This is not who you are

You know who you are
…who you truly are.


God has been on an endless search to reach you.

He loves you, and knows you by name.

He may have challenged you with hardships that have broken you.

You may have lost your way and have been on a path of self destruction.


God adores you and sees the hero inside of you.

He knows who you are. You know who you are. Let that person come back to life and grow to something even greater.

This song could also be sung from a parent to a child; a child to a parent; a friend to a friend; or you to yourself.

Sheesh, I’m tearing up right now just as I write this. Please watch the scene below and reflect on your life. Forgive yourself and start living in color, not darkness. If you are in a healthy place, how can you be a light for others?

In summary:

• Even though you are under qualified, you are ready.

• Nothing of significance happens without courage.

• You are not alone. Seek out mentors, while you mentor others.

• Your failure does not define you. How you respond does.

• In order to be great, you must love yourself first.

Forgive yourself.  Mend a relationship.  Forgive someone else.

Begin a new adventure.

Start an adventurous journey today and become your best self…just like Moana.



Alright.  I told you people that I was going to get crazy with this whole studying of selling shit (I tried a few other words, but they just didn’t have the same ring to it).  Based on your feedback from my last post (a big THANKS to all of you who sent in your favorite selling books), the top requested sales book was The Little Red Book of Selling, by Jeffrey Gitomer.  I read it, really liked it, and have already used some of the tactics I learned – like focusing on profit over price with a customer.

Many of you may be into self-help, motivational books, and auto-biographies (those are my favorites).  However, this is selling season – time for expensive things for no reason (ha shout out to my boy Hova).  We all are selling ourselves, we are always interviewing whether we know it or not, and our ability to influence dictates many things in our life…including how much money we make.

Let me preface that life isn’t all about things, new whips (not 50 Shades, but “cars” for you laymans), baller cribs, or how many digits are in your bank account.  Connection, impact, relationships, memories, and how many people we help is the essence of life.  However, what if you can positively impact all those areas, but make lots of money while doing it?  To me, more money doesn’t mean ‘mo problems (we miss you Big!), but that I get to help more people.  I get to bless more in need.  I am able to create more freedom for myself and my family.

Utilize this list and make it rain with Lil’ Wayne and this guy

Utilize this list and make it rain with Lil’ Wayne and this guy

So here is how you do it.  I call this the 8 M’s of Making Money.  This system was largely inspired by 3 books I read by Grant Cardone, sprinkled with my other readings, and life experiences.  This is less about investing and more about a framework to take your passion to the next level.  For wealth management and investing tips, read Money: Master the Game, by Tony Robbins.  It’s a game changer (one word: FIDUCIARY).  He also has a new money book out as well called Unshakable.  HINT: the bubble is about to burst; he’ll help you be ready.  Enough about Tony and his big hands and wallet. 

These money making concepts can by applied to two groups: 

  1. If you are a sales representative who is looking to take your sales results to the next level, or
  2. If you are an entrepreneur that could benefit from added clarity by utilizing a systematic approach to growing your business.

So here goes; here are the 8 M’s of Making Money (I picked the number 8 because its the same symbol as infinity…just like the never ending streams of income that is on your horizon if you follow this framework).  

If you are serious about improving your sales or taking your business to the next level, stop what you are doing, and take out a notebook or a few sheets of paper right now.  

Based off of each section, I have listed several questions that you need to answer…if you do and execute on those questions…there is no doubt you will create more wealth for yourself. 

I’m going to warn you though…this is a ROBUST post…but WELL WORTH IT!  Pace yourself, but stick to it and finish it all the way through and you’ll be well on your way to MAKING IT RAIN…

Since I will never make it rain in the club, I’m thinking of other venues that are under utilized to throwing up Benji’s or maybe Hamilton’s are your thing: at the gym, the grocery store, nail salon, getting take-out teriyaki, the movie theater…the options are endless!



This is a slam dunk, no brainer.  In order to dominate your sector, you MUST have an insane amount of belief in yourself and your product/service.  You can’t fake passion, enthusiasm, and an all-in attitude.  Prospecting, handling objections, and closing become a whole lot easier when you have a winning attitude and unwavering belief in yourself and what you’re selling.  You must DECIDE, that you will do whatever it takes to make the sale, and that you have the ability to do it. Prospects can smell what I call CP’s: confidence pheromones.  Like bees, customers can smell fear and BS.  If you are timid and unsure…say this with me in a Brooklyn accent, “Forget about it!”  If your hair isn’t on fire in excitement for what you are selling…why should theirs be on fire to buy?  

Pit Bull, Walt Disney, Gary Vaynerchuk, Bill Gates, Tony Robbins, and Richard Branson all had an insane amount of self-belief in themselves and what they offer, which helped them overcome setbacks and create a road map to achieve their dreams. 

8M Questions to consider:

  • Do you use or would you use your product/service if the situation called for it?  What about your loved ones?  If the answer is no…find something new to sell.
  • Do you believe in your abilities to effectively sell this product?  If not, get some coaching, do some more studying, and practice your craft.
  • Do you love this industry, customer base, and process of the selling.  If you don’t love it – get out and align yourself with something you believe in!

Project Rise Application:

I believe without a shadow of a doubt that what I’m doing with Project Rise is bringing value to others.  I am so convinced and believe so strongly in the principles I teach, because I have seen them work in my life.  I receive an abundance of energy and fulfillment when I help others be their best self. 


In any military mission, there is something called: Commander’s Intent.  Commanders Intent succinctly describes what constitutes success for the operation.  It includes the operation’s purpose and the conditions that define the end state.  When things get crazy (oh and they will), having a clear goal and vision (or Commanders Intent) will keep you on track.  Partnered with Commanders Intent, is this one question, “What are you willing to sacrifice?”  This boils down to your values.  This set of values will help you make the tough decisions.

8M Questions to consider:

  • Clearly and succinctly define what you want to achieve (Your Commanders Intent).
  • What does success look like to you?  Think about starting with the end in mind first.
  • What is your offering?  Do your customers 100% understand what you offer and the value associated with the product or service?
  • What is your story?  Story telling is the most effective way to grow support, investors, and buyers.  If done effectively, story telling creates emotion and feelings.  The wealthiest are the best storytellers. 
  • Make a list of your core values that will drive your actions (what to say “yes” or “no” to) and will help you determine what to fight for.

Project Rise Application:

Success for me would look like this:

  • Be able to monetize Project Rise as our sole source of income
  • Witness positive transformation and improved results in individuals and teams from directly working with me
  • Be a best-selling author
  • Be a sought after speaker on mental performance
  • Positively impact in some way 20 million people by 2020 (go ahead and laugh at me…I don’t care!)
  • My values are B.U.I.L.D.: Believe. Unselfish. Integrity. Learn. Discipline.


Motives matter.  Having a clear “Why” and reasons for achieving your vision is everything – not only for you (internal motivation), but your customer as well (external motivation).  If money is your only internal motivator, you will not sustain the drive necessary to keep going.  Also, if your motivation is not powerful enough, you will have a hard time overcoming hardships and setbacks.  

In terms of external motivation, ask Simon Sinek…people buy WHY you do what you do, not what or how you do it.  If people external from you and your organization do not connect with your “why,” they won’t buy what you are selling.

I often use the TOMS shoe company as an example here.  Their “one for one” motto has helped them impact thousands of lives by providing free shoes to kids in need.  This “why” has also helped them sell millions of shoes – which is a double win!

8M Questions to consider:

  • Why are you doing this?
  • Can you list the reason(s) behind your mission?
  • What is your “Why” story?…write it down and practice saying it.
  • Can you clearly articulate what motivates you to potential customers and investors?

Project Rise Application:

My reasons behind Project Rise are… 

  • I struggled with insecurities and negative self talk for most of my life, which held me back from being my best self.
  • Through my decent and RISE, I want to help others RISE with me.  I desire to be a lifelong student of mastering one’s mindset.
  • Finally, I will generate enough income to support my family comfortably, which will allow Kendra to focus 100% on being a mom and CEO of the house.


Identifying WHO has the means to make the decision and purchase your product is as D. Trump would say, “HUUUUUUGE.”  The more niche you can be the better.  Remember this saying, “Scratch an itch. Find a niche, and you’ll be rich.” (you can add “bitch” in there at the end to get a laugh)

8M Questions to consider:

  • Who is your target audience?  
  • Who has the means to buy what you are selling?
  • Who are the decision makers?
  • How can you get in front of them more?

There’s money out there waiting to be used on what you have to offer.  You just need to identify with crystal clarity who that group and specific set of people are (or person).

Project Rise Application:

My customer base includes:

  • Businesses looking to improve mindset, sales, and culture
    • Mangers, VP, and directors of sales have the money
  • Athletes and athletic teams 
    • Parents have the money
    • AD’s, coaches, and booster clubs have the money
  • Scholastic settings (schools and universities)
    • Principles, department heads, and district office folks have the money
    • Clubs, groups, and associations have the money (especially for conferences)

The next step would be to get them on board with the value and benefits of your offering…not price.  Objections are never on the price, but the perceived lack of value…we’ll get to more on that in METHODS.


Have you ran the numbers?  Generating the wealth you need is a simple equation that can be preemptively set up.  Based on your mission and goals, look at these questions…

8M Questions to consider: 

  • How much money do you WANT to make each month and year?
  • How much do you NEED to bring in to keep the lights on, cover expenses, and support yourself, family, and staff (if you have any)?
  • Based on this, how many sales do you need to make?  For example, If I want to make $100,000 in six months, I’d need to sell $100 worth of product to 1,000 people…or $50 to 2,000 people…or $200 to 500 people.  This approach simplifies and makes the process less overwhelming and gives you a measurable goal that you can track.  
  • How much money will you need to invest in the growth of your company to get started or to take it to the next level (new website, consulting, expanding, advertising, more sales, etc.)?

Project Rise Application:

I’m currently working on this as we speak.  I recently took some money out of savings to invest in:

  • Costs to launch my brand and updated offerings on a higher level – including a new website and video content
  • I recently finished the content of my first book (can’t wait to tell you more about it!), and I’ve budgeted funds to support it’s completion and launch
  • I have a specific number in mind in how much I need to bring in. 


Ideas are good, but actions are better.  This section is all about creating a plan to identify what the most important actions are needed to achieve your goal.  Methods also have to do with the most important word in sales: VALUE.  What are your methods to bring value?  In the many crowded markets that we operate in, how will you differentiate yourself and your product?  Developing a daily, weekly, and monthly process is the most effective way to perform at your best.  This single step is why I have had the success I’ve had in my medical device sales role (Rookie of the Year, back to back Top Performer Award, #1 in product orders in the nation last year).  Your PROCESS is everything.  #trusttheprocess.  To get there, answer these questions…

8M Questions to consider:

  • What actions must I complete to take me closer to my goal?
  • When will I achieve them?
  • How often will I perform key tasks per day, week, or month?
  • What is my value proposition?
  • How am I, my product, and/or service different vs. the competition?
  • What are my strengths?  How can I play to them more?

If you can master these 3 concepts, I guarantee you will out pace and out value your competition.  Own these 3 areas:

  1. Anticipation – Anticipate the needs of the customer and market first.
  2. Innovation – Don’t follow the heard, offer a new or different solution to the customer that solves a problem.  If you go the same direction as everyone else, it will be harder to get noticed.  Be different! When you can identify that need and pain point, and where there is a gap in the market…that is where you strike!  Formulate your offering in this space.
  3. Domination – For the buyer, competition is good, but it’s not for you.  Don’t compete in your space, own and DOMINATE your space.  This will only happen with sacrifice, strategic thinking, and precision and execution. 

No one anticipated, innovated, and dominated better than Steve Jobs and Apple when he took over in 1997.  Jobs helped spawn the iMac, iPod, iTunes, Apple Store, iPhone, and iPad. By the time he was done…Apple didn’t have competition!!!  He changed the game forever (1 billion devices used world wide – Jobs got the job done).

Project Rise Application:

This one is a beast.  Here is just a small sample…My methods include:

  • Offer a consistent brand of excellence that brings value through:
    • Uplifting posts on social media
    • One podcast a week
    • One video a week
    • Secure 3 speaking gigs a month
  • Be authentic and vulnerable
  • Be the best storyteller in the business
  • Add humor and humility
  • Give actionable tools and resources with every encounter (either one one one, with a group, or through my blogs, videos, or podcasts).


It’s a marathon, not a sprint.  A HUGE goal can sometimes feel overwhelming.  Often times the hardest step is the first one.  Break down your action plan in mini-seasons and preemptively set milestones that you are looking to achieve.  When you hit these milestones…CELEBRATE!  The grind is real.  Reward yourself by setting multiple action goals along the way that build over time.  This will help you build confidence and not be overwhelmed by the process. 

My senior year in football at WSU, we won the Pac-10 Championship by breaking down our season in several mini seasons: 1. Beat Idaho, 2. Win our non-coference games.  3.  Go undefeated at home.  4. Finish strong in November.  5. Be Pac-10 Champs and go to the Rose Bowl (which we did!).  How can you apply this concept in your business?

8M Questions to consider:

  • What is the most important first step for you to take to dominate?
  • How can you break down your vision into multiple seasons or sections…with each one getting more challenging than the previous?
  • Can you list several key milestones?
  • How will you reward yourself AND hold yourself accountable for achieving these milestones?

Project Rise Application:

My milestone points that will build momentum:

  • Launch website
  • Finish book and get published
  • Secure multiple streams of income through:
    • Individual coaching
    • Speaking endevours
    • Book sales
  • The ultimate milestone: Host a RISE Party book launch that is a mix between an educational seminar and a dance party…holla!!!!


Any industry, skill, trade, or technique you want to learn has already been mastered and someone has written a book about it.  Go to a Barnes & Noble store (if they even exist where you live) or go on Amazon or iTunes and buy or download some books.  There are at least 10 + books in the field you are working in.  Study and master those concepts.  Discover who the best in your company is and build a relationship with them.  If you run your own business, research through your network to find individuals who are more seasoned or on a higher level than you.  Ask these people if the would mentor you (think about how you can bring them value as well).  Join a Master Mind small group and learn from other leaders in your field.  


You’ll learn more in 4 weeks with an expert in your field versus going to 4 years of college.  Success leaves clues.  In order to innovate, you need to master what already has been offered first.  Somebody has already paved the way for you.  This technique is called “drafting.”  Just like in bike and car racing – you’re following an established leader.  Follow the path modeled by someone who has been extremely successful and is winning.  Wisdom is created in one of two ways: 1. By experience, or 2. By learning from others who have already done it.  Based on my “drafting” analogy, which one is the most efficient, requires less failures, and will save you energy?…I hope you said, “learning from others.”  Below are options to learn from others who have paved the way.  These mentors can be found in many difference forms.  

8M Questions to consider:

What people or topics will you research or connect with in these 7 areas?  I call this VAP2ERS Modeling.


Mentorship is such an underrated tool for success.  Get your mentors lined up now and watch how much faster you’ll reach your financial goals!!! I’m so passionate about this topic, I could write a whole other blog post on this!

Project Rise Application:

I’ll use my VAP2ERS Model to share who my mentors are…

  • I watch a TON of YouTube VIDEOS on:
    • Tony Robbins
    • Gary V.
    • Simon Sinek


  • ELECTRONICS…let’s face it, we all have a smartphone and/or tablet.  Use them for something productive instead of Snap, Insta, Twitter, and FB.  I recently downloaded on my iPad and read:
    • Sell or Be Sold, Grant Cardone
    • I use Wikepedia constantly
    • I Google stuff non stop
    • Remember to use YouTube as a platform to learn…not just watch cat videos
      • My work mentor this year is a 5-time Manager of the year in my company and an amazing guy: Rick Schulz.  We talk on the phone at least once a month about leadership, vision, balance, and execution.
      • I’m doing Life Coaching with an entrepreneur and business owner named Sean McCormick. He owns Float Seattle…if you want a relaxing experience for your mind, body, and soul…you got to check it out!
    • SMALL GROUP…Meeting once a month with several like minded individuals that challenge you and hold you accountable is such a life changing advantage.  I’ve been meeting with two small groups this past year.  Even though I am out of town for our meeting tomorrow…my guys are Skyping me on by boy B. Hopp’s big screen in his office at 6:15am…now that is dedication! (shout out to the Power Tribe: Mike Isaacson, Charly Martin, and Brian Hopper).  Love you guys and I learn so much from you!

     Is this list perfect and the end all be all?  No, but’s a great place to start.  

    I have the desire and patience to see this list through.  Do you?  We all have to start somewhere.  Take an hour…go to a Starbucks.  Brainstorm ideas with a Master Mind group of people who inspire you.  Just stop thinking, daydreaming, and wishing…START DOING!

    Use the 8 M’s of Making Money as your template to create the road map of success.  Big time results will not just magically happen.  You have to put thought, effort, and energy into creating your mindset and plan.  Once this step is done…it’s time to EXECUTE.  

    I believe in you and can’t wait to hear the success stories on how you took this first step in controlling your financial destiny by pursuing your passion, playing to your strengths, and positively impacting others along the way – all while utilizing these 8 steps to becoming the wealthiest version of you! 

    Possible book cover?

    Possible book cover?


    Take some advice from my boy 50 Cent

    Take some advice from my boy 50 Cent

    Everyone is in sales.  Whether you are a parent, teacher, preacher, spouse, doctor, lawyer, coach, banker, personal trainer, barber, real estate agent, or in landscaping – everyone is selling.  It could be a concept, new idea, a product, or service…either way, whoever is the most skilled at listening, communicating, influencing, and delivering value – reaps the most rewards – personally and professionally.  Selling to your kids, spouse, friends, co-worker, potential buyers/customers/consumers all takes a specific set of skills.

    Being that I make a living as a salesman to support my family (I’ve been in medical sales for over 10 years now), I have recently been doing my best to fine tune my craft.  Let’s face it, no one likes the feeling of being sold anything.  I don’t either.  I try to look at myself as providing value; being more of a consultant than a salesman; a partner in helping someone achieve a goal; and a problem solver.  All of these examples require a great deal of time, experience, and failures. 

    For all of you in sales right now (which technically can mean everyone): 



    Most of the books I read are personal development books about mastering your mindset, overcoming adversity, leadership, and creating better habits.  I decided recently to delve deeper into the art of selling.  I’m in the process of going ALL-IN on learning from the best minds and authors in this space.  Being a territory manager and sales trainer, I’m very curious at looking at new strategies to help others and myself improve how impactful our sales calls can be.

    I’m going to stop right here and make a confession:

    I feel that I am somewhat of a hypocrite.  I preach all day about the importance and power of investing in your personal development, which I have committed to with 100% passion and focus.  I read or listen to at least 4 books a month.  However, as a salesman, I have not made the topic of SELLING a main book genre that I have studied.  I went through sales training with two Fortune 500 companies; I’ve read a few books and articles here and there; but I have not committed to this area enough.  For the next few months I am going to attack selling books, podcasts, YouTube videos, and key thought leaders in this field.  I have devoured three books by Grant Cardone recently (click on his name to go to his website).  I’ll share my findings in my next post.  He has been thought of by several media outlets as the best sales trainer in the world. 

    According to Cardone, there are many amateurs in the selling profession.  Who would Cardone call an amateur?  Someone who doesn’t sharpen their ax by learning and applying new ideas in their given field.  Instead, they wake up and keep doing what they’ve always done – not learning new techniques and skills, but relying on what they used to do and have always done.  “If it worked ten years ago, it will work again,” they might say.  This average approach creates average results.

    I’m calling myself out right now and need to get better at this.  What about you?  Are you reading up on the latest sales strategies & techniques? 

    Would you see a doctor who wasn’t trained and experienced in the latest advances in medicine?  Would you select a financial planner who isn’t growing their knowledge on the stock market and trading daily?  There is no chance you would pick a real estate agent to help you sell your house if they weren’t experts in the current market and up to speed with the latest tools to attract buyers. 

    If you are in the sales profession, LET’S GO, and invest in your knowledge, so we can apply new findings and improve our production.

    Some great pearls in Conversations that Win the Complex Sale

    Some great pearls in Conversations that Win the Complex Sale

    When you improve your sales, let’s face it, YOU FEEL AWESOME!  You’ll have more confidence and motivation to try new things and stretch your comfort zone.  This is where personal growth happens, which creates ultimate fulfillment.   I offer these three books that I recently read that might help you learn a few new tricks of the trade and help you improve your sales.  Give these books a try to increase your influence (if you don’t like to read…try them in audio book form):  

    Below is a video discussing key findings from the Challenger Sale:


    In my next post, I’ll share a new approach (inspired by three Grant Cardone books I have read) that will give you a framework to INCREASE YOUR SALES; launch the side project that you have always dreampt about making a full time venture; and for all my entrepreneurs, this system will help take your business to the next level.  I’ll share examples of how I’ve applied this framework with Project Rise.

    Thanks and have an AWESOME WEEK!!!



    Remember the Monday Night Football game against the Green Bay Packers when at the last second, Seattle Seahawk’s Golden Tate made one of the most famous catches in NFL history? Well, I sat down with the other Seahawk wide-receiver who was in the endzone at the infamous moment – Charly Martin.  His recollection of that iconic play is one for the ages.

    Charly was born in Walla Walla, Washington and later moved to Farmington, New Mexico where he completed high school as an excellent all around student-athlete.  Lacking a Division I scholarship though, Charly defied the odds as a record setting All-American at the Division II powerhouse, West Texas A&M.  He offers enlightening insights on what it took to not only make it in the NFL, but to also stay in the league for five years.

    In addition, Charly shares what it was like to transition out of the life as a professional athlete, and into a successful career as the Northwest Vice President of Sales at the private aviation company – Wheels Up.

    Charly is one of my best friends and I am so proud to call him family.  He is a devoted husband to his lovely wife Courtney, and their studly three year old son, Charles William Martin, V. – Kendra and I are so proud to be Lil C’s Godparents.

    Charly and my daughter Bellamy…we totally support arranged marriages.

    Charly and my daughter Bellamy…we totally support arranged marriages.

    What inspires me most about Charly is his unwavering vision and belief in himself.  These traits are what makes uncommon people uncommon.  His will to overcome adversity, the ability to push himself beyond his limits, and commitment to excellence are what drive him to succeed.


    If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with a friend!


    These signs look familiar?

    These signs look familiar?

    My life didn’t change until I changed one specific habit. 

    Before I share with you what that one habit is, let me give you some context on what drew me to this realization.  It all started over three years ago, when I was working in oncology sales at my previous company.  I was in an account manager role, and it just wasn’t the right fit.  The timing was awful.  Due to some practices overseas, we were slapped with a Corporate Integrity Agreement, which forced us to revisit how our sales force was compensated…as in, no more pay for sales, but in verbal and written tests.  “Someone kill me now and take me out of my misery,” is what I thought on a day to day basis.  This role and compensation model made for many restless nights, my blood pressure was in the high 140’s, and I was taking medication to try to lower that number and my angst.  I wasn’t fulfilling my true potential and thriving at work.  Stressed and looking for ways to get me out of this funk, I tried several things. 

    I first thought seeing a counselor would help.  I remember sending one particular counselor an email saying that I needed a “confidence coach,” to help me come up with ways to get me through this season in my life.  She really didn’t understand what I meant by confidence coach.  I must have done a not so good job of articulating what I was going through and needed.  Regardless, I went to see her for a few sessions and really didn’t feel the connection and growth I was looking for.

    My next attempt to lower my stress was to take Transcendental Meditation training.  I read all of the benefits that this practice offers and how many celebrities swear by it…at that point, I was looking for anything.  So I ponied up the $750 fee and took the training, which was about 8 sessions in some random tiny house in Kirkland and my instructor must have been pushing 80 years old.  I am a big believer of practicing some type of mindfulness, visualization, and meditation, but this version did not give me the instant gratification I was seeking either.

    Feeling stuck and running out of options, my manager sent everyone in our sales team a gift.  This one act if generosity and leadership was the solution I needed.  This one act kick started a movement within my soul.  

    This gift was so simple; I had already done it hundreds of times before, but with a different intention and focus.  

    This one life changing tactic has so immense power that in ancient times and even in early American history, people in positions of authority outlawed peasants, the lower class, and slaves access to this one skill.  Even to this day, whoever has the most access to this resources and utilizes it’s endless power can acquire healthier relationships, wealth, influence, health, and reaching one’s true potential – all the things I was looking for. 

    This one simple act often times gets overlooked, downplayed, and forgotten as a strategy for optimization.  The most successful people in the world know and use this gift daily.  So, what is this gift?  READING A BOOK.

    I’ve mentioned this before on my blog, but its worth mentioning again.  The book that my manager gifted was called Positive Intelligence, by Shirzad Chamine.  This one piece of literature gave me the tools to identify and overcome negative thought patterns, as well as help me with strategies to improve my mindset, perspective, and ability to execute.  With this knowledge, I had the confidence and mental focus to leave pharmaceutical sales and crack into the highly competitive medical device industry with a Fortune 500 company and market leader.

    Once at my new company, I was assigned a mentor named Frankie, who was all about investing in his personal development.  Frankie was very successful throughout his career – being on stage and winning national awards nearly every year.  I wanted what he had and asked him how I could get there.  His answer was NOT to ask insightful questions, handle objections properly, or to “ABC” (Always Be Closing).  Instead he gave me a list of about 25 books that were game changers for him.  He said, if you read these and apply them, the sky is the limit for you.  After seeing the drastic improvement just one book did for me, I started to clap my hands with excitement, thinking of the impact that reading more books would do!

    Simple concept with huge payoffs

    Simple concept with huge payoffs

    I attacked that list like a white blood cell engulfing a foreign particle in our blood stream.  I was ALL IN and with each book consumed, I felt stronger and desired more information.  

    I made reading and listening to audiobooks a daily habit.  The results of this practice have manifested many wonderful things in my life that would not have possible if I would have gone back to my original habits of watching movies weekly, binging on Netflix and TV; wasting hours dinking around on my phone; spending every minute in my car listening to music, talk radio, or chatting on the phone.  I instead made it a point to take in as much information as I could. 

    Everything we could possibly want or need has already been done, and most likely, someone has written about it.

    This one habit of going all in on my personal development has changed everything for me: from being Rookie of the Year, back to back Top Performer Awards, creating a blog, being invited to speak to a variety of audiences, and even completing the contentof my first book (it is in the editing process right now, but I can’t wait to give you guys more insights later)!  All of these accomplishments could not have been possible without making daily reading a non negotiable with myself.  I’m all about non-fiction books…what about you?  

    What are you investing in?

    What are you investing in?

    The average CEO reads about 4-5 books per month, which is 50-60 per year.  Conversely, 25-30% of Americans read zero books in a year.  The mean number of books the average American reads is 5 (this number is inflated by the small percentage who read much more).  There is no arguing why the most influential and successful people in business and life read in one month what the average person reads in one year.  

    According to Lana Winter-Hebert from, there are many benefits to reading:

    • Improves mental stimulation

    • Reduces stress

    • Increases knowledge

    • Expands your vocabulary

    • Improves your memory

    • Creates stronger analytical thinking skills
    • Improves focus and concentration
    • Improves writing skills

    As reported in the Huffington Post:

    • Bill Gates reads about 50 books per year (one per week)

    • Mark Cuban reads more than 3 hours every day

    • Elon Musk is an avid reader and when asked how he learned to build rockets, he said, “I read books.”

    • Mark Zuckerberg resolved to read a book every 2 weeks throughout 2015

    If these icons have enough time to read and make it a priority in their daily lives, we definitely should too.


    Marguerite Ward from CNBC Money wrote an eye popping article on what Warren Buffett calls the secret to his success.  Buffett says that he spends about 80 percent of his time each day reading.  He even tries to read up to 500 pages per day!  He says that reading is like compound interest – the earlier and more often you do it, the wealthier you will become!

    I usually have one book I’m reading and one I’m listening to in audiobook form at the same time. My goal is to consume and finish 4 books a month.  I just finished the book, TheCircle Maker: Praying Circles Around Your Biggest Dreams and Greatest Fears, by Mark Batterson.  While I was reading that, I’d listen to Angela Duckworth’s book Grit: The Power of Passionand Perseverance in audiobook form (I only have one hour until I’m done!).  I’m now reading Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap…And Others Don’t, by Jim Collins…its a classic!

    While I read and listen to my books, I always keep notes and write down the points that speak to me.  Many of my quotes I list on my social media platforms are inspired by something I read or heard.  These artists, authors, researchers, and creators definitely inspire me to innovate, face my fears, and be my best self.  I want you to feel this crazy force of good and inspiration for yourself!

    Big things come in small packages…like a book 

    Big things come in small packages…like a book 


    1. Look at your monthly expenses and budget at least $40-$50 per month on books ($10-15 for a physical book, and about $20 for an audiobook)…trust me, it will be the best investment you will ever make!  If you are a manager…add this into your team’s budget and let your team expense it.  
      • If you don’t have the budget, go to the library, ask your friends to borrow one of their favorites, or check out iTunes and Android apps which offer free books.
      • BookBub offers thousands of free or discounted books…check them out here!
    2. Use your phone, iPad, or other devices to download books to read (Kindle, Nook, etc).  This method is usually cheaper than a hard copy and takes up less space!  For e-book device reviews, check out this article.
    3. Use iTunes to download audiobooks.  This method has changed everything for me.  When I drive, this is my go-to to pass the time (or Podcasts).  Instead of wasting away to music all day, get your mind right!  I also use this method when I work out at the gym or go on a walk/run…your brain is a muscle too!
    4. Pick a consistent time in the day to read.  While getting started, pencil this time into your calendar.  Mornings or evenings are the most common.  I like to read at night when my wife is working in her office or when I jump in bed.  This relaxes my mind and helps me sleep better (two pretty awesome benefits).
      • If you read 15 minutes a day, every day of the year, you’ll read twelve 200 page books in one year!
      • A half hour a day would bring your total up to 24 books a year…remember: learners are earners!
    5. Get some friends together and create a book club.  You can do this at work and improve on personal development with members of your team; you can do a book study with a local small group within your church; or you can meet at Starbucks once a month with a few friends and discuss a shared book.  I’ve done all three of these.  When you go in on something together, it makes it more fun and holds you accountable.  Be a leader and set in motion positive change by getting a few people to learn together.
    6. Download this appBlinklist.  This app has a digital library of thousands of books and reproduces them in summary form.  You can listen or read the main points of an entire book in just 10-15 minutes!  All of the best selling books and authors in the world are at your disposal.  There is a small fee, but its worth it.  I get great new book suggestions based on my interests, which I love.  With this app, I have read dozens of books that I’ve always wanted to read, but didn’t have enough time to get to…now with this app…the book world is at my fingertips! 

    I definitely do not want to go back to that place where I was before I discovered the power of reading consistently.  

    My hope is that you channel this same power and apply it to your life.  Be curious…feed that curiosity with knowledge.  Apply that knowledge and reap the rewards….who knows, if you read enough books, you might be a CEO one day.

    Here is my book teaser…below is a list of books I reference in my new book coming soon!  I hope this list will help light a fire inside to be your best self.

    Positive Intelligence: Why Only 20% of Teams and Individuals Achieve Their True Potential AND HOW YOU CAN ACHIEVE YOURS, by Shirzad Chamine

    Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, by Carol Dweck

    Confidence: How to Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs and Achieve Your Goals, by Martin Meadows

    The End of Stress: Four Steps to Rewire Your Brain, Don Joseph Goewey

    No Excuses!: The Power of Self-Discipline for Success in Your Life, by Brian Tracy

    Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill

    The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure, by Grant Cardone

    The School of Greatness: A Real-World Guide to Living Bigger, Loving Deeper, and Leaving a Legacy, by Lewis Howes

    9 Things Successful People Do Differently, by Heidi Grant Halvorson

    Grit: The Power of Passion and Persistence, by Angela Duckworth

    18 Minutes: Find Your Focus, Master Distraction, and Get the Right Things Done, by Peter Bregman

    The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business, by Charles Duhigg

    The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work, by Shawn Achor

    The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simply Truth Behind Extraordinary Results, by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan

    The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy, by Jon Gordon

    The Obstacle is the Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph, by Ryan Holiday

    Successful Advertising. 1885, by Thomas Smith

    The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne

    StrengthsFinder 2.0, by Tom Rath

    Lead Like Jesus: Lessons from the Greatest Leadership Role Model of All Time, by Ken Blanchard and Phil Hodges

    The Hidden Gifts of Helping: How the Power of Giving, Compassion, and Hope Can Get Us Through Hard Times, by Stephen G. Post

    Ego Is the Enemy, by Ryan Holiday

    Tools For Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers, by Tim Ferriss

    The Alchemist: A Fable About Following Your Dream, by Paulo Coelho

    Make the Bigtime Where You Are, by Frosty Westering


    Holdin’ it down in Mike’s beautiful Kirkland home and office

    Holdin’ it down in Mike’s beautiful Kirkland home and office

    Project Rise Podcast Episode 2’s guest is Mike Isaacson.  Mike is a Wenatchee boy who now lives in Kirkland with his wife, Jodi, and two beautiful girls, Quinn and Eva.

    I first met Mike the summer after high school during the week of the Washington State East-West All-State football game.  We then became teammates at Washington State University.  Mike’s outgoing personality, sincere curiosity, and passion for peak performance made the perfect formula for us to connect and be great friends for many years.

    Why you should listen?

    To say Mike is crushing it would be an understatement.  After being a successful sales rep for several years in the highly competitive spine medical device industry, Mike was promoted to a District Manager at Medtronic at the age of 29, and now is an area Vice President at Ortho Kinematics.

    On paper, Mike has all the measurables of success – he has the houses, the cars, and the financial freedom that come with high achievement – but, what I’m most impressed with is his work ethic, passion to serve others, and how he is as a loving husband, father, and devoted friend.  I truly love this guy and I want you to enjoy some of the things that Mike has taught me over our 18 years of friendship.

    In this episode, Mike tells powerful stories of overcoming adversity, leadership, investing in your personal development, and examples of being a young entrepreneur.

    Take a listen and if you enjoy this episode, share it with a friend.  Thank you!

    Listen to the podcast here.



    Last Wednesday night while coaching football, I decided to show the high school kids a thing or two.  We reached the end of practice and we were finishing the session up with some competition – a little one-on-one drill.  It’s pretty simple, the receivers try to get open by using the technique and tricks that I taught them during their individual session, and the defensive backs are tasked to lock them down.

    Our defensive backs coach, Jeffery Solomon (aka, Solo), played for WSU and also in the Arena League for several years.  He is a beast, still under 30 years old, and could strap up and be an impact player at most D-I programs right now.  It’s pretty awesome when your coach can dominate you…in the end, kids do what you do, not what you say.  Well, Solo jumped into the one-on-one drills and was balling on these young guys.  Watching this, I got the itch to get in on the competition and dust the old white boy receiver skills off and show them how it’s done.

    Solo making plays vs. UCLA

    Solo making plays vs. UCLA

    In my mind I envisioned myself being like Julian Edleman carving up the Atlanta Falcon’s defense in the Super Bowl.  After all, I once was a 4-year starter in the Pac-10 (now Pac-12), “I can take these high school kids,” I thought, “I got dang near 20 years of experience on these guys, I got this!”  I didn’t have any cleats…no big deal.  No receiver gloves, no problem!  The fact that I had the Norovirus the weekend before didn’t even hold me back either (no food for several days…no biggie!).

    My first rep didn’t go so well.  I guess I’m not as strong as I used to be.  The second rep, I dropped the ball over the middle…where did my “sure hands” go?  The third rep, the ball got tipped away at the last minute.  I kept jumping in expecting a different result, but instead of being Edleman, I was more like Pee-Wee Herman.  I only caught 3 balls out of 10…are you kidding me?!!  That’s it…only 3 balls?…that’s a 70% failure rate!

    When we finished, I walked to my car, pulled my hood over my head and zipped up my jacket feeling the cold winter wind chill rush all over me.  I don’t know what stung worst, the cold, or my lack luster performance.  My legs were wobbly and my ego definitely dropped a few notches.  This type of performance could have put me into official retirement, but this time around, being much older and wiser, I’m approaching this situation differently than when I was my younger immature self.

    As I pulled into the driveway when I got home, I had already made the decision to give that drill another try.  I envisioned what cleats and gloves I was going to wear, and even visualized a few routes that I know will work.  I walked into my house excited for the next time.  I knew that my credibility as a coach and an athlete were not defined by that one failure.  I didn’t win that day, but I knew that the next time would be better and that I could learn and grow from that experience to attack the next competition with excitement and gratitude.

    It’s taken me 36 years to have that kind of a mindset.  When I was a student-athlete or even in the professional world of medical sales, I had the opposite mindset.  I felt like I constantly had to “prove” myself, which ended up hindering my performance…with each move or step, I would constantly evaluate myself and picture what others thought of me.  I was constantly comparing.  This mental approach no doubt hindered my ability to compete at peak performance.  For many, past failures exacerbate fears of feature failure.  This cycle creates self doubt and often times anxiety.

    These internal fears and anxiety lead people to give up, quit, or avoid being put into similar situations again.  Thus, their true potential is never fully actualized.

    Performance anxiety is a real thing, and for some reason, 

    Here are some alarming stats:

    • 32% of teens suffer from some form of anxiety – National Institute of Health
    • 85% of collegiate athletic trainers report that anxiety hinders their student-athlete’s ability to perform at their best. –
    • 40 million American adults (18.1%) suffer from anxiety. – National Institute of Mental Health 

    These are just reported cases covering a broad spectrum.  There just isn’t much data on evaluating specific areas and ways to not only cope, but to discuss and find strategies to improve self limiting beliefs as a collective group.

    Whether it is being super stressed before taking a test, feeling like a nervous wreck when your supervisor is evaluating you, or feeling anxious before a big game or presentation, we need to acknowledge that being nervous, stressed, and anxious is a natural human emotion that needs to be better addressed.

    According to Dr. Heidi Grant, performance psychologist at Columbia University, the brain can hold 5 to 7 thoughts or ideas at one time.  When the brain is in a state of anxiety, it can only hold 2 to 3 concepts.  When we are operating in an anxious state and constantly trying to “prove” ourself, we are living in what Grant calls a “Be Good” mindset.  Individuals with a “Be Good” mindset avoid failure, constantly compare, and seek validation in performance only.  They have the idea that they have to “be good” at something in order to be a good person.  This mindset is definitely part of the anxiety problem.

    Does this sound familiar to you or anybody you know, lead, or coach?


    While at our national sales meeting in Miami a few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of listening to Dr. Grant lecture in person on this topic.  My pen and note taking skills were working overtime!  I was soaking in her insights and felt like she was talking about me and my former self.

    The goal, she says is to have a “Get Better” mindset (Stanford’s Dr. Carol Dweck calls it a “Growth” mindset, which if you have followed this blog, you have heard me mention this before).  Instead of focusing on PROVING yourself, try to focus on IMPROVING yourself.  We all are a work in progress and no one is perfect.  Fear of failure is the enemy to creativity and performing at your best…no matter the area…work, socially, athletically, etc.  When your thought process is all about PROGRESS not PERFECTION, what happens is powerful, you will start to perform better.

    The best operate with this philosophy…they are not defined by their failure.  What do you think Tom Brady was thinking after he threw that pick 6 and was down 25 points in the 3rd quarter of the Super Bowl?  The reason why he is the GOAT (Greatest Of All Time) is that he learns from his mistakes; he uses them to grow; and he expects the best is yet to come.  Other people’s opinion’s don’t matter, just his own and those in his locker room.  Brady fails, thus he succeeds  He succeeds, because he fails.

    The Patriots are the personification of PASSION meets PERSEVERANCE.

    The Patriots are the personification of PASSION meets PERSEVERANCE.

    Most of the entire New England Patriot’s roster is full of rejects, misfits, and “failures” who are filled with GRIT.  Someone needs to do a deep study on their model because 7 Super Bowls and 5 rings tells me that Belichick and Brady have this “Get Better” Mindset down to a science.  This example should give you hope that if at first you don’t succeed, keep grinding, keep pushing, keep competing, and your day will come…

    You are not defined by your failure, but how you react and grow from it!

    Newly hired Minnesota Gopher Football Coach, PJ Fleck, has mentioned multiple times that he recruits kids that have failed.  He looks for coaches who have failed.  He focuses his whole program around surrounding himself, his staff, and players with individuals who have failed and have GRIT – passion and perseverance.  Talent does not beat skill.  Talent might pass the eye test and win early, but skill is something that is developed over time.  With an insane work ethic, and a thirst to win the war, not just the battle, you will improve your Grit, thus improve your likelihood to achieve your long term goals.

    The Mount Rushmore of Performance Psychologists and my favorites…read their books! 

    The Mount Rushmore of Performance Psychologists and my favorites…read their books! 

    Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverence, by Angela Duckworth
    9 Things Successful People Do Differently, by Heidi Grant
    Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, by Carol Dweck

    Penn’s Angela Duckworth, studied and wrote a book about Grit and the power of passion and perseverance.  Many prominent leaders in business and sports are trying to tap in this new science of understanding grit and how to identify it and coach it.  Seahawks head coach Pete Carroll has even brought Duckworth into to speak to his team to change their lens on failure and persevering.

    Grant, Duckworth, and Dweck agree…find individuals that have grit, and you’ll build a winning culture and team.  This mindset retools how we look at failure.

    The statement, “I’m not good,” should not be in your vocabulary.  Instead, you should say, “I’m not there yet.”  

    This philosophy will help lower some of that anxiety.  The threat of a loss will soon lose its crippling power.  When you approach competition and life with a “Get Better” or “Growth” mindset, this approach turns failure into a stepping stone for improvement, instead of being a road block.

    Here are some tips to lower anxiety and improve performance with a healthy mindset:
    Leaders, Teachers, Coaches, and Parents:

    • Reward the right thing: effort, unselfishness, and perseverance instead of outcomes only
    • Institute the 5-Minute Rule…before any coaching, teaching, or feedback takes place; check in with others on a human level for 5 minutes.  Let them feel that you value them as a person, not just as a cog in the big machine that serves you 
    • When giving feedback, make it more process driven versus result driven (for example a player misses a shot, instead of saying, “Make the shot!” Say, “Balance your feet first, then shoot!  You got this!”)

    Individuals in Non Supervisor, Manager, or Coaching roles:

    • Develop daily routines – mentally and physically – create your “process”
    • Have multiple level goals all funneling into the same BIG end goal (this will keep you on your path)
    • View yourself as a “work in progress,” Rome wasn’t built in a day and nor are you
    • Seek self-love outside of one area of your life (you are more than just a sales rep, an athlete, insurance agent, car salesman etc.)
    • Know that you are not perfect (no one is) and use failure to build your knowledge and skill sets

    If you take the advice above, you’ll be well on your way to being the best version of you. 


    I can’t wait to apply these tactics next week at my wide receiver’s practice.  With my “Get Better” mindset and going all-in on believing and demonstrating GRIT, I’m confident my walk back to my car after a session of competing in one-one-one drills, I’ll have my chest out; I’ll be walking with swag feeling the wind at my back (healthy mindset) instead of it pushing me back (unhealthy mindset).  I’ll keep you posted!  In the meantime, check out this 6 minute video of Dr. Duckworth talking about GRIT.


    B. Hop and I in his amazing Kirkland office

    B. Hop and I in his amazing Kirkland office

    This has been a long time coming.  I’ve wanted to do a podcast for a while now and I’m pumped to finally have completed my first one!  The premise of the show is to interview ORDINARY PEOPLE DOING EXTRAORDINARY THINGS.  I want to learn the strategies, patterns, and habits of people who might not be making the headlines, but are thriving and making  a difference for others.  I have a list of people that I’m excited to share their stories with you.

    Because for me…I get more motivation when someone I know, went to school with, or is from my community is dominating…personally and professionally.  That pushes me and gives me the confidence to say, “I can do it too!”  I hope this show will do that for you as well.

    Let me say that this is a learning experience and I definitely have a ways to go until this show is racking up listeners on iTunes, but I’ve shifted my mindset away from perfection and making my creative outlets (blog, videos, and now podcasts) all about connection.


    In everything you do.

    Is my mic the best? No.  Do I have a perfect interview style?  No.  Is my editing off the charts good?  No.  BUT SO WHAT!  It’s all about content and I’ll get better in all of those areas over time.

    With that said…I’m excited to introduce you to my first guest on the Project Rise Podcast…Brian Hopper (or B. Hop as I like to call him).  Brain and his wife Nicole founded Hopper Group Real Estate several years ago (check their link out HERE).  To say that Brian and his team are CRUSHING it would be an understatement.  Their personalized, all about the small things, and detailed approach have separated their services from the pack and into a whole new level of buying and selling dream homes for people.

    Brian’s story will give you the push you might need to finally take the steps necessary to finally pursue your passion.  He also gives great wisdom on finding balance in your life aside from the daily hustle of being a successful entrepreneur.  Take a listen and share it with a friend.  I hope you enjoy and MAKE TODAY THE DAY, WHERE YOU BECOME THE BEST VERSION OF YOU!

    Project Rise Podcast link HERE.


    “We won because of LOVE!”

    -Dabo Sweeney

    Project Rise SPOTLIGHT: Dabo Swinney

    Project Rise SPOTLIGHT: Dabo Swinney

    What if you made the emotion of LOVE a competitive advantage?  Well, that is what the leader of the Clemson Tiger’s and 2017 National Champions did.  As a young boy, Dabo Swinney received his name from his brother who while trying to say “Dat boy,” created “Dabo.”  Coach Swinney is a breathe of fresh air and has modeled a leadership style and culture within his program that has drawn me into studying his methodology.

    Dabo and I have two things in common: 1. We both share the middle name Christopher (his birth first name is William), and 2. We both have the same word of the year (I had no idea about this until his post game speech with Sam Ponder that rocked me): LOVE.

    With not much time on the clock and trailing Alabama, Dabo gave some bone chilling advice on how to be clutch:

    “Let the light inside you shine brighter than the light that’s on you.”

    Many leaders and coaches believe they need to motivate by fear.  I believe that discipline, hard work, and accountability are definitely needed – but what if we switch up the phrase “tough love” and instead “love tough?”  Dabo has modeled that his entire career.

    There is a reason why Dabo is one of the top recruiters in the nation: LOVE for people.

    There is a reason he walked on at Alabama and earned a scholarship: LOVE to compete.

    There is a reason that after taking a few years off of coaching to sell real estate, he didn’t give up his dream of being a head coach: LOVE of the game.

    There is a reason he has won Coach of the Year in the ACC and Nationally: LOVE to lead.

    Here are my 4 Pillars of Being a LOVING Leader and creating a winning team culture…inspired by Dabo:

    1. Energy – loving energy is contagious.
    2. Vulnerability – take ego out of the equation and big things will happen.
    3. Sacrifice – imagine how far we can go if no one cares who gets the credit?
    4. Trust – we are stronger together – do your job and trust your teammate will do theirs.

    How can you incorporate more LOVE into your home, workplace, or team?  Love is the most powerful emotion one can feel and give to others.  Like Dabo displayed, love might be the missing link to creating the environment or outcomes you have been looking for. 

    Because in the end, love is as much a choice, as it is a feeling. 

    If you didn’t see Dabo’s post game interview moments after winning the National Championship vs. his alma mater Alabama on the final drive…it’s one for the ages and a must see.  Oh, and one final thing…I LOVE you guys!

    GEAR GUIDE 2017

    Walk into 2017 like this guy…like you know something that others don’t.

    Walk into 2017 like this guy…like you know something that others don’t.

    It’s a new year and it’s time to think about how we can make 2017 our best year yet.  I made a list of my favorite things that I’ve came across this year that I think will help you in your quest to be the best version of you.

    Anytime I can get an edge to improve how I feel, enhance my knowledge, or simply enjoy life at a deeper level, I’m always down.  I hope this list will do that for you.  So here it is…

    My Top 10 Must Haves for 2017:

    #1.  Off the Chain Pant, from Lululemon

    I love these pants for so many reasons.  From 2014-2016, it was all about the ABC pant from Lulu.  ABC stands for Anti-Ball Crushing.  Love these pants.  I just might have all the colors. They have 4-way stretch, are comfy, and fit me real nice.  Having a butt and quads, its tough finding a slimmer fitting pant that is still comfortable.  With that said, 2017 is all about the Off the Chain Pant.  This is a new and improved version of the ABC.  It has a little leaner and tighter cut, but still has room in all the right places.  I can dress these up or dress them down.  I’m obsessed!!!  Oh, and as I write this they are on sale right now at Bellevue Square as well as online (last I checked they were on sale for $68!…a steal!).

    Forgive me and my selfie…I’m doing it to help you!  Love my Off the Chains & Neff beanie…see below for my #2

    Forgive me and my selfie…I’m doing it to help you!  Love my Off the Chains & Neff beanie…see below for my #2

    Here are a few reasons why you need these babies

    Here are a few reasons why you need these babies

    #2.  Neff Beanie

    Being that it is winter in the northwest, and 70 + degree weather is nowhere in sight, I love keeping my noggin warm with my fav beanie from Neff (see photo above).  Sometimes wearing a ball cap does not do the job.  Why I like it: it has the perfect mix of the right length (some beanies are either too long or too short…the Neff is spot on) and also it is the perfect material.  It’s not itchy, but really comfortable and it has the perfect amount of stretch.  Finally it’s not too warm, but does the job.  I hate walking outside where it is cold and warrants a beanie, then when I get inside I have to take my beanie off because I am too hot and my hair looks all messed up (so I’m vain..sue me).  This game changer keeps me warm when outside and not too hot inside…I can rock it with comfort inside and out. 

    #3.  H & M Collared Shirts

    If you are looking for an affordable dress shirt in a variety of styles and colors, H & M has got what you are looking for.  You might like to go to Nordy’s and drop $100 plus on a dress shirt, but I like to get more bang for my buck.  These shirts have a more athletic European cut, which I like, and I’ve had several for multiple years, so the quality does the job.  If you are looking for 4-way stretch, my honorable mention goes to Mizzen and Main (check them out)…shout out to my boy Mike Ike. 

    NBD, just me taking a family pick with one of my H&M buttoned collard shirts

    NBD, just me taking a family pick with one of my H&M buttoned collard shirts

    #4.  Zara Blazers

    Every grown man needs to own a black suit and a multi-use blazer.  The reason why I like Zara’s blazers is the way they are cut (slim) and because most of them have a comfortable stretchy material (are you seeing a trend here?).  The other reason why I like them is because they offer a high quality jacket for a reasonable price.  Pair your new blazer with a clean t-shirt for a more relaxed look.  Check them out…Zara is now in Bellevue Square as well as downtown Seattle (they have legit kids and women clothes as well).


    #5.  Nike 3/4 Zip

    These Nike 3/4 Zip tops are my go to whether I’m going to the gym, or going to a meeting.  They are so comfy, look great, and can be used in multiple settings.  Rock them to get your workout on, or when you go business casual with a polo underneath.  Stick with black and gray, and add a pop of color with your polo.  You just simply can’t lose with this wardrobe staple.

    These are a little too tight for my taste, but you get the point.

    These are a little too tight for my taste, but you get the point.

    #6.  Cole Haan GrandePro Tennis Sneaker

    This single pair of Cole Haan’s will transform your look overnight.  I am really into rocking a more sporty shoe with my blazer or even suit.  The rules have changed.  Maybe its the athlete in me, or the look that says, “I mean business, but know how to have fun too,” this is the look for 2017.  There is not a lighter or more comfortable shoe out there — and they come in many colors.  Whether you travel, are on your feet most of the day, chill at a desk, or want to stay current or ahead of the curve…add this shoe to your repertoire and you will be closing dates and deals all in the same day.  Check out Charles Woodsen on ESPN or Kenny Smith on TNT for inspiration. 

    What can I say…I’m a shoe guy

    What can I say…I’m a shoe guy

    #7.  32 Degrees Heat Performance Mesh

    I love to feel warm.  With the colder weather and the fact that I travel to eastern WA, Alaska, and Montana, I need an extra layer.  My go-to is 32 Degree Heat shirts and long-underwear from Costco.  The shirts come in short sleeve or long sleeve.  I opt for the long sleeve.  They are very comfortable and you can’t beat the price (wait for it…they run about $8 a piece…seriously?!).  You can even wear the long sleeve top  under your blazer.  I like the cut of the neck…it’s in between a V-neck and basic crew.


    #8.  Nike Joggers

    If you are like some people I know, you are rocking pants like its 1999 (RIP Prince)…or like you are the 6th member of N*SYNC.  Gangster rap, grunge, and boy bands were cool many years ago — so were baggy pants.  It’s time to step up your casual game with a pair of Nike jogger pants.  Whether you go for cotton Dri-Fit or more of a polyester feel, your gear game on Saturday and Sunday will be turning heads…for the right reasons.  Pair your slimmer looking bottoms with a flashy color of Nike running shoes and please don’t be that guy that rocks Adidas, Nike, and Under Armor all in the same outfit…pick one brand and stick to it.

    You can never go wrong with black…NEVER.

    You can never go wrong with black…NEVER.

    #9.  Jordan Brand Long Tights

    About a year ago, I found myself stuck in a tough place at the gym.  I was too hot in pants and too cold wearing shorts…my legs didn’t know what to do.  Thus, I made a strategic change that has taken my look, comfort, and swag to the next level…I’ve been rocking long tights under my shorts.  I used to wear spandex under my football pants for years, but it took me a while to adopt this approach to the gym.  I’ve tried many different brands, but I love the cut and style of any Jordan spandex…for some reason there is more room for the boys downstairs than Nike long tights.  Give this approach a try…you’ll thank me later.

    Long tights under shorts are the perfect blend for the perfect workout.

    Long tights under shorts are the perfect blend for the perfect workout.

    #10.  Wireless Headphones

    Have long tights transformed my workout game?…yes.  But, nothing has taken my workout experience to the next level quite like my Beats by Dre wireless headphones.  Do you ever listen to music with your phone in your pocket and your cord gets in the way?…Or when you are attacking dumbbell bench and your phone constantly falls out of your pocket?  Take this frustrating practice away by investing in headphones without a cord (the new iPhone doesn’t even have a jack, so this is where the future is going people).  I love listening to podcasts or YouTube videos of inspiring people and stories while lifting and doing cardio…this is made possible by sticking my phone hidden in the corner while I move around without a care in the world.  If Beats head phones break your budget, there are a ton of other brands that are more affordable.  Start working out like it’s 2017, not like you did in 1997 with a disc-man and head phones with a cord.

    Here’s a list of top brands.

    Be a beast like LBJ…get rid of the ball and chain of traditional headphone chords.

    Be a beast like LBJ…get rid of the ball and chain of traditional headphone chords.

    Look good, feel good, play good.  This progression can be applied at work and other areas of your life as well.  Try some of my favorites and let me know what you think.  Hit me up with your must haves for 2017 and lets make this year the the year we truly take our look, production, and joy to the next level.