Take some advice from my boy 50 Cent

Take some advice from my boy 50 Cent

Everyone is in sales.  Whether you are a parent, teacher, preacher, spouse, doctor, lawyer, coach, banker, personal trainer, barber, real estate agent, or in landscaping – everyone is selling.  It could be a concept, new idea, a product, or service…either way, whoever is the most skilled at listening, communicating, influencing, and delivering value – reaps the most rewards – personally and professionally.  Selling to your kids, spouse, friends, co-worker, potential buyers/customers/consumers all takes a specific set of skills.

Being that I make a living as a salesman to support my family (I’ve been in medical sales for over 10 years now), I have recently been doing my best to fine tune my craft.  Let’s face it, no one likes the feeling of being sold anything.  I don’t either.  I try to look at myself as providing value; being more of a consultant than a salesman; a partner in helping someone achieve a goal; and a problem solver.  All of these examples require a great deal of time, experience, and failures. 

For all of you in sales right now (which technically can mean everyone): 



Most of the books I read are personal development books about mastering your mindset, overcoming adversity, leadership, and creating better habits.  I decided recently to delve deeper into the art of selling.  I’m in the process of going ALL-IN on learning from the best minds and authors in this space.  Being a territory manager and sales trainer, I’m very curious at looking at new strategies to help others and myself improve how impactful our sales calls can be.

I’m going to stop right here and make a confession:

I feel that I am somewhat of a hypocrite.  I preach all day about the importance and power of investing in your personal development, which I have committed to with 100% passion and focus.  I read or listen to at least 4 books a month.  However, as a salesman, I have not made the topic of SELLING a main book genre that I have studied.  I went through sales training with two Fortune 500 companies; I’ve read a few books and articles here and there; but I have not committed to this area enough.  For the next few months I am going to attack selling books, podcasts, YouTube videos, and key thought leaders in this field.  I have devoured three books by Grant Cardone recently (click on his name to go to his website).  I’ll share my findings in my next post.  He has been thought of by several media outlets as the best sales trainer in the world. 

According to Cardone, there are many amateurs in the selling profession.  Who would Cardone call an amateur?  Someone who doesn’t sharpen their ax by learning and applying new ideas in their given field.  Instead, they wake up and keep doing what they’ve always done – not learning new techniques and skills, but relying on what they used to do and have always done.  “If it worked ten years ago, it will work again,” they might say.  This average approach creates average results.

I’m calling myself out right now and need to get better at this.  What about you?  Are you reading up on the latest sales strategies & techniques? 

Would you see a doctor who wasn’t trained and experienced in the latest advances in medicine?  Would you select a financial planner who isn’t growing their knowledge on the stock market and trading daily?  There is no chance you would pick a real estate agent to help you sell your house if they weren’t experts in the current market and up to speed with the latest tools to attract buyers. 

If you are in the sales profession, LET’S GO, and invest in your knowledge, so we can apply new findings and improve our production.

Some great pearls in Conversations that Win the Complex Sale

Some great pearls in Conversations that Win the Complex Sale

When you improve your sales, let’s face it, YOU FEEL AWESOME!  You’ll have more confidence and motivation to try new things and stretch your comfort zone.  This is where personal growth happens, which creates ultimate fulfillment.   I offer these three books that I recently read that might help you learn a few new tricks of the trade and help you improve your sales.  Give these books a try to increase your influence (if you don’t like to read…try them in audio book form):  

Below is a video discussing key findings from the Challenger Sale:


In my next post, I’ll share a new approach (inspired by three Grant Cardone books I have read) that will give you a framework to INCREASE YOUR SALES; launch the side project that you have always dreampt about making a full time venture; and for all my entrepreneurs, this system will help take your business to the next level.  I’ll share examples of how I’ve applied this framework with Project Rise.

Thanks and have an AWESOME WEEK!!!